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Featuring : Alex Mcdizz & Sam Concepcion

Being Sam Concepcion's little sister has its perks. You got first look into all of his friends concert, albums, new music, hang out with all of his cool friends, and occasionally go on out with them. All of that was great, but being Sam's little sister has its downs. Your brother was so overprotective of you; To the point that you could barely say hi to one of the other guys without being carefully watched.

Sam had one rule for you: no dating any of his friends.

You pretty much agreed to the boundaries because you valued Sam trust and respect and didn't want to risk that. Sam had always been the older brother that you looked up to and you thought the world of him. You wished he would see you the same way, but that was impossible.

Your brother and his friends were finally home from their own photo shoots and you threw a small party for them. You invited all their old friends and set up your house with banners and streamers and kickass music. When the boys got there, they were overjoyed. Sam gave you a huge hug and kiss before heading off to party. As soon as he disappeared, something happened. You realized the one rule Sam had set was going to be hard to follow.

Maybe it was because you hadn't seen him in a while, but Donny looked incredible. After you had a few drinks in your body, you confidently strutted over to him. "Donny!" You chimed as he threw his arms around you, "You're looking great nowadays."

He blushed and ran his fingers through his hair. "You've always looked great, y/n." He replied, his eyes hooded as it scan your body.

A drink or two more and you had brought Donny to your bedroom. For the first time, you didn't care what Sam thought.

At least you didn't care in the moment.

When you woke up the next morning, you were torn between your blood and your craving. Donny had gone home at some point during the night but left you a note on your dresser.

"Don't let him stand in the way. If you know what you want, go for it xx."

You rubbed your temples, sick from the hangover and went out to the kitchen. Sitting at the table was a certain bassist.

"Morning, y/n!" Alex grinned as he sipped on his coffee.

"Sam's still sleeping so you're stuck with me." You smiled and got yourself a glass of water. Just then, Alex said something that made you freeze. "I like your hickey. Donny has a matching one."

"Alexander!" You spun around and pressed your hand to your neck.

He leaned in close and whispered. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He winked.

happiest birthday to my boo! i love u donny 💐

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