11; achromatize

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After successfully shaking off his fangirls Oikawa had hoped for a quiet and peaceful lunch break. He noticed that those moments became fewer and therefore more precious. All he wanted was to eat while talking to his friends, not that he didn't enjoy the attention but it was too much at times.

Being on his way to the classroom where Iwaizumi and the others were, he heard footsteps getting faster as they came closer.

"Oikawa-kun~" Miki approached him profusely with a hug. "Your back is all open, so cute how defenseless you are."

"Why are you still doing this, it's getting annoying." he pushed her hands away that clung around his waist.

"...just revenge."

"Why do you want to take revenge on me?! I didn't do anything to you!"

"Not on you... the queen kept me awake all night, ringing the door bell every 20 minutes just to keep me from sleeping. And chill, it was only a hug..." sulking she mumbled to herself before yawning and walking off.

"You know, it's funny..." at Oikawa's voice the girl halted in her tracks to listen to him. "Back then I genuinely liked you, if you hadn't ended it maybe I would have liked you more than her at some point. But the funny part is- now it feels like I never had any feelings for you at all. Even when you clang to me I didn't feel attracted to you, although I had liked you a lot back then. Well, can't be helped." he shrugged leaving her standing there fuming.

"That girl doesn't even deserve you- do you even know what she's been doing while she was gone?"

"It doesn't matter, whatever it is, it's in the past now. Just like you and me. I did a lot of bad things but she forgave me, so I'll do the same. Besides, compared to me she's an angel. There's nothing that could make me stop loving her."


"I think I want to join a second club." Oikawa sighed, dropping into his seat next to his friends while resting his head on the desk.

"We must take Oikawa to the infirmary, if he's thinking about doing something different than volleyball then it must be serious."

"Heh, doing someone is more accurate." Oikawa snickered but not for long, since he fell onto the ground after Iwaizumi had kicked his seat.

"At least keep that to yourself, Shittykawa."

"No one wants to hear that."

"Stop bragging about your girlfriend."

Adjusting his chair before sitting down, the brunette corrected. "She's not my girlfriend, or at least not officially." the other three third years just stared, wondering about his stupidity. "Don't give me that look, it's just that I had a feeling that she's still a little uncomfortable around me. I just want to give her more time."

"Wow... if only you'd been so considerate of Kageyama then he'd probably gone to Aoba Johsai."


"Besides being a volleyball genius, which he really can't help, what did he do to piss you off that much?!"

His eyes got dark and before speaking he took a deep breath. "It was the day when her class wrote that love letter, you remember when-"

"Yeah." just thinking back, remembering the ridiculous scene of those two fighting over a piece of paper, almost made the ace rage again.

"Anyway, after the scolding I asked her teacher about the letters, I thought you had given her the letter back so when I searched through them I found Tobio's and..." the brunette gritted his teeth.

"...You're joking, right?"


You have been sleeping soundly for the last two lessons straight on your desk without letting the teacher catch you.

However, someone else did.

At the sudden impact of a paper stack hitting your table your head snapped back up wide awake.

"So you're awake now? We still need to talk about yesterday." it was the class president and honestly you had already forgotten about it.

"I'm so sorry, I won't do it again!" quickly you apologised in hope that it would lessen your punishment.

"If that's so than fine. I'm not a teacher so I won't burden you with an useless task but instead when I need help I'll come to you first. I hope I can count on you then."

"Yes definitely, thank you and sorry again!"

Kageyama who watched the both of you was envious 'If I had known it wouldn't have consequences I would have run too...'

Emperor & Empress ; Oikawa x Reader ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz