A Savage Monster

193 11 3

Blaire's POV

I was starving. We had been on this train fur 3 days, and all I'd gotten was a thin slab of old meat.

Even calm, collected Raze was testy and aggrivated from lack of food. Asha had even gotten up and yowled fur food, but no one came.

I let out a soft growl, and lay down on the floor of my cage. I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited...

And no one came

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And no one came. Then, Raze roared.

The entire train car shook, and every lion or lioness in there jumped. My head shot up as Raze roared again.

He growled and sat down, waiting. Just then, a trainer came in, looking fearful. He spoke some human speak to Raze, but once again, the meaning was clear, "Y-you c-cant have a-any food."

He then departed. I sighed and lay down, dreaming of juicy slabs of thick, delicous, raw meat...

I was jolted out of my sleep by a horrible pain in my stomach. It felt like their was something...ripping.. shredding...

Like a savage monster was tearing my stomach too pieces. I yowled and yowled fur what seemed like hours, but no one came.

3 Hours Later

Then, the train came to a sickening stop, throwing me against the cage bars, hurting my shoulder. I yowled, then looked up as light filled the train car.

A couple trainers came in, then parted, and the pride leader walked up. I call him so because he leads the trainers, like a pride leader, like a king.

He walks forward and inspects each of us, checking us over. He gets to Raze's cage and says, "Hmm...this one isn't getting enough food fur his size, increase his portions."

He then walks up to my broken cage and inspects the hole behind it. "Have this fixed immediately, can't have this on the train." He says.

He looks down at me, looking at my injured shoulder, and says, "This one is Diamond's cub, isn't she?" I have heard of Diamond before.

She was my mother, but I don't really remember her. She was "rescued", whatever that means.

"She's two, right? Increase her portions as well." He says, before striding over to Asha.

"Hmm... Jackson, tell me, how many tigers do we have on this circus?"

"Um, 4 sir." Jackson says.

King opens Asha's cage and inspects her wounds. Then says, "And how many of those tigers are females?"

"Uh, just Asha, sir." He says.

"Exactly, so if we want a breeding pair in the future, I suggest you try to liven this young tigress up, for I can't have my animals dying in here, or the H.S.U.S will put me out of buisness, and you will lose a job. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal, sir." Jackson says.

"Good, extra portions fur her as well then." He says, then swept out the door.

Jackson leaves, then comes back with armful of meat, two other trainers behind him. They toss it into our cages, along with fresh bowls of water.

I eat all of my meat, then drink some water and lay down. The train begins zipping forward again.

I lay down as the savage monster called hunger becomes but a memory, and fall asleep.


Pic 1) Raze roaring

Behind the Curtain ||DISCONTINUED||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora