Chapter Two

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   Nothing, of course, was going Jack's way. Jack and Gabriel waved everyone off before leaving toward Amity, catching a train to the outer area of the walls. Jack accidentally fell asleep on Gabriel's shoulder, ignoring the hissing giggle from Pharah and Mercy. Jack was woken up as they approached, Jack was getting used to the heavy rifle, it wasn't weighing him down more, and it felt nice having a weapon like it.

Jack saw them before everyone else did.

"SHIT!" Jack threw back his sister as a sniper bullet zipped by. Mercy clung to Jack, her eyes wide.

"Dammit, they have a sniper. It might be Widow." Jack snarled, glaring outside. Gabriel stood up, looking outside.

"I'll take care of her."

"Wait what-" But Jack couldn't say anything else before Gabriel threw himself off the train and disappeared from sight. Again, a legit shadow.

Jack grunted in annoyance. They needed to get off the train now or they'll get dragged across the city again. Jack waited, a signal or something, but all that happened was another bullet shooting across and snapping the metal. Jack sighed, he couldn't wait anymore.

Jack started looking around his rifle, trying to find something that would be useful in this situation. Jack suddenly hit open a secret compartment, three rockets tied inside. Jack smirked, "Cover me." He said to Pharah, before coming out of cover and firing the rockets at Widow. He saw the sniper dodge, Jack indicated for everyone to go no.

Pharah and Mercy jumped off into the soft grass, McCree going next than Jack. He landed easily, before ducking behind rubble. He waited, Pharah and Mercy were giving him looks, he could practically hear McCree's heavy breathing, shit was he hurt?

Jack then heard it, he heard Widow yell in anger, before pure silence.

Jack peeked out, Gabriel had Widow knocked out cold and was hoisting her over his shoulder. The two made eye contact, and Jack motioned for everyone to stand.

McCree looked fine, but Jack could tell something was wrong. He didn't have time to dwell, he could hear people, and they had to go now. Jack sprinted across the fields, Gabriel meeting them halfway.

"Jesse let's go!" Gabriel yelled, entering numbers into a keypad that locked the gate. McCree stumbled a bit but made it.

"You okay?" Jack asked, McCree only winked at him.

The gates opened, and quickly then ran out, heading toward Amity. It was long, it might take awhile, but the group kept at it. It was dark when they saw a glimpse of life. Besides the corn fields, a huge orchard spread out in front of them, leading down toward a small single house. Jack could see other houses spread out, and a single but very huge house smack in the middle, where a huge tree was growing from.

Fields of food and wealth lay before them. They ran through the fields and orchards before, with much relief, stopped in front of the small cabin. A man was inside, he was looking up at the sky, his eyes were a beautiful blue and his skin was tanned. He had no hair and wore no shirt, but had yellow baggy pants that cuffed at his ankles.

"Hello," Jack said, making the poor kid jump. He stayed sat, looking at them with surprise.

"Welcome my friends." He said, smiling, "What brings you?"

"What's your name?" Jack asked, stopped in front of him.

"My name is Zenyatta, and you?"

"Jack, Jack Morrison. Um, can I speak with whoever is in charge of Amity?" Jack let the statement settle over Zenyatta before he looked suddenly very troubled.

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