what happened?

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You grabbed the sliding box of ammo. As the new recruit of the team you were in charge of ammo and weapons. Kurt, my cousin, called back to us. "Get ready guys, we're almost there!" Miguel, Maurice, and Jess looked at me, waiting for me to hand them the gear. I hand out the gear evenly between the four of us. The car lurches to a stop. Miguel, Maurice and Jess all hop out of the car and before i'm able Kurt stops me. "(Y/N)...I want you to be safe out there. This is very dangerous mission.." Kurt spoke gently to me. I smile and nodded, then quickly got out. We were in a large forest, houses scattered in the trees. Miguel, our captain, split us up. "Maurice and Jess, go to the south. (Y/N) your with me!" Miguel barked the orders, the three of us responded with a 'yes sir'. Maurice and Jess headed off and I followed Muguel, we headed north. "Keep your ears peeled, anything could be lurking out here." Miguel said softly. I nodded and looked towards the house that stood in the woods. Miguel kicked in the door. We held our guns up, waiting for something to attack us. Miguel took down stairs and I took up upstairs. I opened doors quietly, hoping to find nothing. I opened one door, and a horrible smell invaded my nostrils. I looked around, the room belong to a little girl, the pink walls and flower drawings were old and worn. I saw the little girls body, curled up in the corner, holding a teddy bear. I gag and leave the room. I walked towards the last room of the hall. I opened the door with my gun raised. I stepped in and saw a figured, I gritted my teeth, "T-turn around with your hands up" I spoke, trying to remove the scared tone from my voice. The figure turned around, the beam of moonlight shined on his face. His blond hair was slickened back and he had sunglasses on. He's face was rough, like he had been in fights before. He wore a long leather black trench coat, a tight black shirt and tight black pants with shin high boots. I righted my grip on the gun, he held his hands up weakly. I steadied myself when a smirk arose on his lips. With inhuman speed he ran and pinned my hand to the wall, he twisted my gun out of my other hand. I gasped, my breath caught in my throat. The faint sound of footsteps running up the stairs could be heard. The door kicked open and with the man's free hand he held a gun to Miguel's head. Miguel's face twisted in horror. The man shot, the bullet went clean through Miguel's skull and in the wall behind him. I looked at the man, he held the gun in his hand and looked at me. I close my eyes, waiting for a bullet to meet with my skull, but it never came so I slowly opened my eyes. He held the gun out to me. "Run, little one, dangerous things are out here." He spoke harshly and smirked. I took my gun from him and ran. It was pouring down rain, the rain made it muddy and hard to see. I tripped over something, and when I looked back at it. I saw the face of Jess, who had been viciously attack and her guts were ripped out. I quickly jumped up and continued running. I slipped in the mud and slid a short distance. I saw gun fire, it must've been Maurice, I heard a bloodcurning scream. Shivers went down my back and it all hit me at once. I ran back to the one person who shouldn't be dead. I spoke into my walkie talkie "Team Echo to HQ. This is (Y/N), everyone is dead, there is a mysterious man and-" The connection died. I sighed and sprint to where the jeep was. The jeep was turned over and on fire, but the one thing that really got me was...that Kurt was burning alive inside. I saw him trying to bash the window, part of his body already on fire. I shot the window, breaking it but it was too late, Kurt was engulfed in flames. I grit my teeth and run west. I run in one if the houses and slam the door. I climb the stairs and go to the back room. Huffing and puffing, I try to get my breath. I hold my gun in my hand loosely. I stand up straight and try my walkie talkie again but to no avail. I sigh when a hand covers my mouth and another removes my gun from my grip. I struggle against them. "Struggling is useless, but good attempt." The same voice from before spoke into my ear, but this time there was humor to it. I continue to struggle until I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I feel the liquids flow into my body. Slowly I got weaker, my vision blurry, I glace at the person. Only to meet, the man from before but instead of sunglasses, I met beady red eyes. Finally my vision faded, and darkness consumed me.

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