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I became a superhero, found my real family, survived pain, found everything. Everything didn't stop. That happened when my mom died. Everything began again.

Whenever I think about it, it makes me realize how lucky I am. I have had bad luck follow me for years. I visited my mom's grave once more, but with everyone in tow.

"Hi Mom! I miss you." I began. " I'm here with dad, Colt, Destiny, Joe, Iris, Jay, Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells. We all wanted to come here one last time. I know you had a sister. Bree. She looks just like you. Thanks for taking care of me for so long. It means the world to me. I couldn't have asked for a better mom. Thank you for everything. I think I need to let go. I come here so often I think it this may have been my home. However, I love you so much, it's hard to let go, but in order to strive with my new family, I need to let go and open my eyes to a new adventure. An adventure with those that love me as much as you do. Thanks for watching over me. I love you mom. I will always visit you on your birthday. Take care in Heaven mom. I know you are a great angel."

I kissed her headstone and smiled. Tears streamed down my face. I finally let go of what was holding me back from family. I always thought she would emerge from the ground and kiss my head again. I let go of that. I stood up and backed away from her grave. Colt grabbed my hand and gave it a nice squeeze. Everyone went on and Colt and I stayed for a minute.

"Blake. There is not a day I go without thinking about you. I remember in Kindergarten, you wouldn't let go of your Mom's leg and when she told you that I was sitting alone looking for a friend, you jumped off and sat right next to me. We talked the whole class period and we ended up having to clean the whole room at recess. Our story is very important to me because we have grown up together, we have seen each other' worst and best of times, we have stuck through everything. You are my everything and I am deeply in love with you." He smiled.

"I love you too, Colt." I smiled.

We were then locked into a passionate kiss. I never wanted to let go. Barry looked over and smiled. I smiled back and backed away. He grabbed my hand and we caught up with everyone. I couldn't have asked for anything as good as what just happened.

You see that's the funny part about life. It's a huge series of train wrecks and I happened to have survived through my series. I'm a super hero. I save the city of Central City. I protect everyone, I work along side my dad, I live with my fiancé, Colt, I go to CCU (Central City University), I live everyday knowing the worst is behind me and the best is always in front of me.

If you ever see Red and Purple Lightning running around, just remember your looking at The Flash's Lightning.

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