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I covered my eyes and smiled at Barry as I heard little Jay bark. I heard the light switch flick on and all the sudden.

"Surprise!" Everyone screamed.

I uncovered my eyes and saw everyone was there. All except Hudson. I smiled and couldn't believe how much Barry did for me.

I went around to all the new people in my life. After wards I looked up a Barry questionably.

"For everything I missed. Every birthday, every Christmas, every heartache, everything I wasn't there for." Barry smiled.

I smiled back and just laughed. It was everything. I couldn't imagine anything as amazing as this. Joe rolled in the cake. Everyone started to sing. Once they finished, I closed my eyes.

"Make a wish, Blake. Make it count." Barry whispered to me.

The party grew on. It was incredible. Everyone was happy and the environment was very joyous. It ended very quickly though.

"Barry!" Iris yelled.

Then she was gone. With a flash she was gone. Barry looked right at me. I saw the fear in his eyes. Joe grabbed his gun and ran. Barry and I sped trying to follow Iris's voice. I made myself invisible and listened very carefully.

"East 32nd!" I yelled to Barry becoming  not invisible.

We turned off and bolted to East 32nd. Barry running faster and faster made me think of how I wished he could have been there when I was born, when I said my first word, when I went to Kindergarten, when I made my first friend, when I needed help with my homework, when Hudson broke my heart, when I needed a guide. Then I remembered who was there for most of it. My mom.

I thought about Everything. My whole life. The journey it took.  Everything hurt for a moment. I heard her.

I heard my mom.

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