32nd Street

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We left the janitors closet and I heard Colt's scream.

"Blake!" He yelled.

I ran after him. I was running really fast. I eventually caught up with them, on 32nd street. I closed my eyes for a second. This isn't real. I looked at Colt and saw his scared panicked look. There was a dark figure holding Colt up in the air.

"Let him go!" I yelled.

"Where's the fun in that?" A dark mysterious voice rang.

"Take me instead. He's innocent. I've done damage." I yelled.

"So be it."

A pull came on me. Colt was immediately dropped onto the pavement. Then his voice.

"Open your eyes, now!" He yelled.

I opened them. I was back in the janitors closet. I began to cry. He held me and kissed my head.

"Give me your phone." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Trust me." He sighed.

I handed him my phone and he called Barry.

"Hey Blake! What's up?" I heard him say.

"Hello. My name is Colt Buck. Blake is my best friend. She's alright. I think you should discretely come to school. Stayoff of 32nd street." Colt said very calmly.

He hung up and handed me my phone back.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"I think you need to talk with him on the whole superhero gig. It's driving you to the point you are depriving yourself of sleep." He said wrapping his arms around me.

I could smell his sweet cologne that I loved so much. I just sat there and began to cry. A few minutes later there was a knock on the janitors closet door. It was Barry.

"Hey Kiddo. You okay?" He asked me.

"At the party, when I closed my eyes to make a wish I had a vision. Of Iris being taken and killed in your arms on 32nd street. I didn't say anything about it because I decided that I wasn't gonna let this ruin my shut eye. So I eliminated all shut eye time. That's why I was up so early and was drinking coffee. I'm sorry, dad. I just was afraid." I cried into Colt some more.

"Hey, it's ok. I get it. I used it see that all the time. Did something happen again?" He sighed.

"Colt wanted to see if it reoccurred. So I closed my eyes. Then Colt was taken and he was brought to 32nd street. I caught up with him in time and a dark mysterious figure talked to me." I replied, staring off into space. "He said Where's the fun in that? After I asked him to let Colt go. I told him to take me instead. He had this pull on me once Colt was released. My neck was burning, my legs wouldn't move, my body frost in place, my head whirled. Then Colt snapped me out of it."

"Mr. Allen. I've known Blake her whole life. She's had stuff like this before, but nothing this drastic. When her mom sent her to a therapist, they couldn't help her." Colt said grabbing my hand.

"Let me see if I have a friend who can help her." Barry nodded.

"I'm coming with you." Colt stood up.

"Please Dad. He's been there for me since Kindergarten." I said standing up grabbing my bag.

"Alright let's go. I forgot the car so Blake can you go ahead and blindfold the kid." Barry said waving his finger at Colt.

"No need, he already knows." I said.

Colt hopped on my back and we ran to STAR Labs. Once we got there, I saw Destiny sitting outside.

"Hey Destiny! You alright?" I asked.

"Just waiting for you and Barry." She smiled. "Hey Colt!"

We all walked inside and found Caitlin and Cisco talking over something.

"Hey guys!" We sang in chorus.

They looked over, scared. I popped my head over and I saw something I haven't seen in a long time.

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