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I woke up back in Barry's apartment. It must have been a dream. I got up and found I was still in my suit. I changed out and ran back to STAR Labs. Caitlin was attending to Barry who was in one of the beds. Cisco was no where to be seen. I walked up to Barry and grabbed his hand.

"Oh. Blake you are awake. You both passed out. Cisco is looking for you. Go to the treadmill room." She said pointing to the treadmill room.

I walked in and found Cisco had covered the treadmill room in fire proof blankets. Cisco stood up and waved to me.

"Blake!" I heard a voice say.

I turned around and found the one person I had been wanting to see since my mom died. Well, besides my dad.


"Destiny!" I ran to her.

She and I hugged. I kissed her face and her beautiful blonde hair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"A purple masked person brought me here. She was super fast."

"Oh. What are you doing these days?"

"I'm still stuck in the foster care system. Did you meet your dad?"

"I did. Where are you right now?"

"I'm with our old foster mom. She wasn't the one calling for me. She doesn't care about me. The purple streak already saved her favorite kids." She sighed.

"Blake, who is this?" Cisco asked walking over to us.

"Someone I know from the orphanage." I said smiling at Destiny.

"Well, we have been testing her and she appears to be a meta. She can make fire come from her when she has high emotions. We think maybe the purple streak can help us out." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yah. I have to go check on my dad. Bye Destiny. Stay with Cisco." I said standing up.

I walked into the next rom and found Barry and Caitlin talking. I dashed in and out and made sure they didn't know I was even there. I went and got changed and hid behind the door and listen in in their conversation.

"Barry, I ran a DNA test on the little girl and it shows that she is not your daughter either. I don't even think she is Kate's anyway. However, Blake shares some key features with her. Most of her's come from you though. Your blueish green eyes, your handsome eyebrows, your lip shape that somehow sparkles in the rain." Caitlin said starting to slow down and breathe heavily.

"Caitlin, I know you recently lost Ronnie, but right now, I feel as though there is something between us." Barry said talking the same way.

"I know what it is," Caitlin started again,"Its. Name. Is. Blake!"

I popped out to see Caitlin was pointing at the door I was hiding behind.

"I knew you got superhearing! When did you acquire it?"

"No. I was just walking past and...and...ummmmm... you said my name so I poked my head through the door." I said nervously.

"Come here." She said grabbing a device.

She wrapped it around my head and sat me in a chair. She told me to try and open my ears. I did as I was told and the device kicked up. It made a very quiet noise that sounded like it was right in my ear.

"Owwww! Stop that!" I yelled. Caitlin gave me a snarl, as I took the device off my head.

"I knew it! Now when did you require it?" She said smugly.

Barry looked at me and saw me starting to feel dizzy once again. I stood up and fell right back down. I got back up and started to walk out. I didn't feel good and I didn't want to deal with this right now. Barry grabbed my hand and looked at me up and down again. My eyes were dilated and my skin was cold. I then fell and hit my head on the glass counter nearby and broke it. I was so dizzy.

It took me just a minute, but I sat up and ran to the bathroom. Caitlin tried to stop me when I just bolted out of there. I didn't want these powers. I didn't want my dad anymore. I just wanted to go.

Flash's Lightningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن