Chapter 22 - Secret x Trial?

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Serrah's POV

"Stop chasing us, y-you little mini spawn of Satan!" Screamed Leorio who gets chased after a demon with Gon by his side.

I watched the two get chased by my dangerous underling yet friend, Raziel Lucien who has a chainsaw in his possessions. I would try to help them out but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea. Raziel would assume I'm ruining his 'fun'

Lucky enough for the two, the speaker interrupted their game statically. "Attention, dear applicants, please do not kill each other until you are given the permission to." Lippo spoke through the speaker. "I shall explain some rules but I cannot explain things further more until the rest of the remaining participants have arrived." He continued to explain some irrelevant rules and I didn't bother to listen so I ignored him.

A relief sigh utter out of Gon and Leorio's mouths as Raziel pouted like a child and narrowed his eyes unwillingly. He's finding things unfair so he dropped his chainsaw on the ground rather grudgingly. "Such a killjoy." He let out a mutter, along with a sigh. "Fine. You're free to go for today, you champs but be warned. I'll come after you once this stupid exam is over."

His eyes represented bloodlust and both backed away in fear for safety measures. I sigh at the scene in a distance. I doubt these four would get along with Raziel. He seems in good terms with the other members of the Troupe so why not get along with these four? Is it because Genei Ryodan is comfortable with Raziel's death threats?

To be sure, those death threats and those sadistic habits are actually his form of saying that they're getting along. Although, I don't see why he smiled at me when I say he's a good person instead of pulling out a knife and thanking me in the most insincere way.

Walking towards the direction of Kurapika who is now examining the stopwatches, a warm smile hooked onto my lips. "Hey Kura, what are you doing?" I move to his side, staring at his face. It was quite exquisite since he has been making the expression of extreme curiosity that he's biting his thumb.

My words snapped him out of his thoughts. He embarked his train of thought and looked from side to side to figure where the voice came from until he spots me. A smile crept on his lips before speaking.

"I'm trying to figure out what the purpose of this room is. These stopwatches already prove that we are supposedly doing a majority vote but due to the number of the stopwatches, seven people are needed to perform the majority vote." He explained and I completely understood. We need to wait for the seventh person to arrive.

"One wrong move and we'll end up in a death path, right?" Killua says as he went over us in a calm gait. Kurapika nods as a response and explains whoever the remaining person is, they has to be cooperative.

"So what do we do in the mean time?" Gon pops in out of nowhere with a curious face. I exchange glances with Raziel who nodded as a sign that he understood what I meant.


"Do you..have any threes?" Kurapika stated, holding a deck of cards and practically asking me in particular. Us forming in a circle, playing cards was the best idea we've got to buy some time.

"No." I lied in a genuine tone. I have to be deceptive or else he'll win. Leorio who refused to join our game, kept bonking his head on the wall constantly. I hope he doesn't receive mental conditions because of that. Killua lets Gon borrow his skateboard in return for his fishing pole.

Right now, both of them are messing around with each other's items. They seem to get along at least.

Kurapika raised an eyebrow. "Uhuh? How come I'll be sure if you're not lying?" He stared at my eyes attentively, now very close to my face. I felt the heat rush through my body and my cheeks turning pink. Dammit! I'll get discovered at this rate.

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