Chapter 4 - Training x Feels

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Serrah's Pov

I just started training with who-knows-who. Feitan. He gestured to me the targets, simply, they were small boulders. "You know how to aim?" He asked me.

I rubbed my nape and thought about it. "Maybe.." He just nodded and gave me a look to start practicing. I used ice this time. Sparkles of frost came out of my palm and I charged it for a strike. I launched it one by one at the boulders. My first attempt went well, the second one too but the third one, I missed.

"Yes!" I exclaimed quietly beneath my breath. I looked over to Feitan, seeing him examining my accomplishment, well, sorta.

Feitan seemed unfazed. "You could've had a better aim." He blunted which caused me to grow an irk mark from my forehead.

I looked away from him, turning around and grumbling, "You could've at least gave me a praise."

"What was that?" I turned around to see an angry Feitan but not the type that would release Pain Packer, just an irritated Feitan. In the inside, I'm laughing. Laughing at his cuteness. I have to admit, I'm really sure that I've fallen with him.

To cover up from laughing or avoiding any signs of him getting angrier, I raised my hand and exclaimed, "Hai! Hai! I'll do better next time!"

He sweatdropped. "Hey, what's with that tone of voice?"

Before he could ask about my suspicious action, I hurriedly changed my persona. "Nothing, FeiFei!" I noticed a pink blushed tinted on the cheeks under his mask. Feitan can blush?

"F-FeiFei?" He blushed at that nickname.

The more I looked at how he reacts with this, the more I can't stand myself. He sunked himself deep in his mask to cover his blush. "F-FeiFei.." He repeated oddly. I sweatdropped. I think I just made him malfunction or something.

I clamped on his shoulders to take him back to reality and smiled warmly. "Let's continue training, shall we?" He blushed and nodded. I had to snap him back to reality or else the situation will turn to be more awkward than before.

The next part of the training was still all about aim but this time, my target is Feitan. This is a problem. Very much a problem. I knew he was faster than me but I might shot him though. "Hey, if there's a chance that I would mistakenly hit you, I will be humbly sorry for that."

"Tch." I heard him click his tounge in disapproval as I watched thousands of afterimages of him dart around me at sonic speed. "Are you underestimating me?"

"No." I let out a mumble quietly. I felt his presence around me in every direction so it might be hard for me to detect where the real him is. To be honest, I am impressed with his speed. It's as if he is accelerating after every second and I could feel that he wasn't in his best yet.

I formed my hands in front of me and focused on Feitan's motived. My eyes were darting in every movement he makes. Once I noticed one image different, a glow of white and blue shot out of my hands. Blasts of ice blasted out everywhere possible.

I was spinning 'round and 'round till I paused when turning dizzy. Because of that dizzy feeling that made my head lose conscious, I dropped my hands and felt myself falling down.

I waited for my body to make contact with ground but nothing came. Instead, warmth wrapped around my hands. I opened my eyes to see his pale face and notice a faint blush spreading across his face. He held me gently in his arms, filled with protection and care.

I delt heat rush through my face as deep red rouged across my cheeks. I gripped on his sleeves, still scared to fall on the ground. He leaned closer to my face with emotionless eyes.

"You should know the consequences of your actions, Serrah." He whispered to my ear which made me shudder. I could feel him smirk in pleasure when I did.

I ducked my head down, not desiring to face him because I felt as if I was about to explode. But my forehead ended up leaning against his warm chest which made me flinch slightly in surprise.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked rather in a cold tone but a stutter came out of my lips.

He let out a small laugh and pulled me away. I felt disappointment crawl up inside me which was questionable. Did I like being in his warmth? Snapping out of my thoughts, a smirk printed across his face.

He reached his hand out and flicked my forehead with a finger. I frowned in pain a bit and rubbed it. "Hey!" To be honest, I didn't felt any pain at all. It was rather something different. Like a simple pinch from the cheeks but more of that.

I sent a glare at him which he returned by a chuckle. my cheeks heated up at sight of his smiling face and hearing of his chuckle. It was very rare for me or anyone to hear his laughs. A real laugh, rather than a sadistic one. I sense a hidden side of humor deepen within him.

After he noticed what he has done, he lost his smile and a lot of that happiness which lead me to disappointment. I enjoyed seeing him elated. A bitter expression etched across his face, along with his cold eyes which brought me a slight pain in the heart.

"Just forget I ever did that." He mumbled calmly but a part of it was harsh. My lips frowned at hearing a tone like that.

I felt a weird and unfamiliar feeling running across my heart whenever I'm with him. Do I enjoy his company? Do I have..feelings for him? That is impossible. I can't feel. I am unable to feel emotions. I often shut my heart off and let bloodlust or either ruthlessness flood inside my mind.

Though, I witnessed something in his eyes. A mix of negative emotions smolder and suffuse in the eyes of his apathetic face, such as..sadness and regret..? Why does his eyes look like that?

I shooked the image and thought off my head and folded my arms. I glanced at him with an apathetic face. "Fine. It's not worth remembering anyway. Smiles are for fools." I retorted to his latest demand. "Well? Shall we continue our training?" There was no emotion in my voice at all. Not that I care about his feelings or anything.

I witnessed a pang of pain in his eyes but received a nod from him in approval. It's going to take a long time for me to take off these silly emotions jumbling inside my mind and heart.

Feitan X OC X Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt