Chapter 4 - Missing Class of 1800s

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During lunch, Jake silently watched over his friends, eating in different tables. Ni-ki is with this Ta-ki guy and they're both called Riki 1 and Riki 2. Jay is with this guy named Kei. Sunghoon has left for figure skating training. He's excused for the rest of the day. Sunoo is on a table full of girls who admire him. Jungwon is doing student council things.

He still hasn't found Hui? Where is he?

He looked around and tried to see if Hui is here as well. There must be someone who looks like him.

The basketball team entered the room making everyone look their way as if they're gods. People whispered on how handsome and tall they all are. Jake's finally at ease. He found hui. He's wearing jersey number one. Just like his rugby uniform.

As expected from him. Everyone loves him. He's friends with everyone. He stopped every table, and even stole a cartoon of milk from someone at some point.

He met Jake's eyes and smiled. He also stopped on his table. "New?" He asked. "You should try out for basketball." He invites.

"I'm more of a rugby kind of guy." He said.

"Lee Heeseung." He introduced himself.

"Sim Jake." He said and they both shook hands.

"There's no rugby in this school anymore. Go for basketball. You won't regret it." He said and joined his team.

Jake proceeds with all his class smoothly until dismissal. He's now going to focus for the red moon. While walking out of the campus, he noticed the old library. It's off limits for students already.

He got curious why that he proceeds towards the fire exit.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Jay spotted him before dance practice.

"Let him be. He seems troubled." Kei told him but something inside him want to follow Jake.

"Wait for me at the practice room. I promise to go back." He said and followed Jake.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Kei remarked and just proceeded to the practice room, letting Jay satisfy his curiosity.

Jay watched as Jake walked at the stairs navigating the library as if he knew where he's going. The statues scared the hell out of Jay. He wanted to run away but he's still curious on what Jay 8s doing here. He proceeds to the year books at the class of 1800's. He opened the year book using his phone flash as a source of light.

He flipped the pages and stopped at the 16th page. Jay counted it just in case. He stared at it and sighed. He then placed the year book inside his backpack and walked away. Jay hid behind the shelves not knowing that Jake could smell his Jo Malone perfume.

Still, Jake pretends as if he didn't know and left.

Jay did the same and took a year book then followed Jake. He tapped his shoulders once they're out. "What the fuck were you doing there?" He asked him.

Jake smiled at him. "My ancestors studied here." It's his excuse not knowing that Jay took the same copy of the year book he took.

"Cool, I guess." Jay said, shoving his hands on his pocket.

"Wanna hang-out? I'm new here. Show me some places." He invites him. Jay glanced at the direction of the practice room, then glanced back at Jake. It won't hurt to miss one practice. He really want to know more about Jake.

There's something interesting about him that he can't quite figure out yet. Something that drives him into knowing him more. "There's a nearby steakhouse here. There's also unli-steak downtown, if you're into that kind of thing." Jay said as they walked towards the parking lot.

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