Chapter 22

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(The video is what I listened to while writing, just thought it would be interesting to know where I get my thought process from because I literally never plan out chapters, I just write and the ideas come as I write)

~Ahn Migyung's P.O.V.~

We both froze, our heartbeats going faster like they were racing each other, and just stared at one another for a few seconds. He was the first to break the atmosphere. His demeanor changed suddenly and I feel like if I would've blinked then, I would've missed the transformation.

"What are you doing here?" he says, his voice so sharp that it felt like it was cutting through my skin, exposing my insides. 

I gulped, wondering how to explain this. I really didn't want to go for the, "My boyfriend and I broke up so I'm crashing here," because with him being my ex, it would make things that much more awkward.

Shifting my weight to my right foot I say, "J-Hope let me stay here." He doesn't say anything at first, just scans his eyes across me, trying to dissect the truth.

"Where's J-hope then?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"Um, I have no idea. I thought he was still here," I say while looking away from his glare. I stare at one of the many framed album covers and say, "Look, this is a misunderstanding. Just call J-Hope and he'll explain it to you. I didn't know you would be here."

"You didn't know I was going to be here?" he says with a scoff. "So you're telling me that J-Hope just forgot to mention that I live here with him?"

My eyes widen, "You live here?" My mind immediately starts racing and my first instinct is to flee. 

"Don't act stupid, J-Hope isn't that clueless to not tell you." At that moment J-Hope bursts in the door and Yoongi and I turn towards him. I immediately feel relieved because now he can explain this to Yoongi.

"Back away from each other," J-Hope says, taking cautious steps towards us. I obey and take two steps back but Yoongi remains in the same spot. "Yoongi, let's talk in my room," he says, cautiously grabbing Yoongi's shoulder and directing him away. J-Hope looks back at me mouthing, "I got this under control." 

They disappear and I feel my breath finally return to my body. My heart rate calms and I immediately go into survival mode. Running back to my room I throw on some clothes, write a quick note for J-Hope telling him to text me to let me know when I could come back, and bolt out the door.


I've been driving aimlessly for a few hours. On days like this, I wish I was at work so I could have something to do but it was my day off so I was stuck wandering around the city. It wasn't all bad though, I went to an art museum, ate some street food, and saw some things that I never got time to see before.

I'm driving outside the city looking at the suburban neighborhoods (exciting right?) when my phone starts ringing. I immediately grab it, answering without a look at the caller ID. "You left some crap here, I set it outside."

My heart immediately sinks as I register what Yugyeom said. He was really not going to change, he was going to continue to blame me for this. I sigh and say, "Okay, I'll be by." I hangup hardheartedly. 

When I pull up to the house I see boxes sitting at the end of the driveway. I start loading them in the car, tears threatening to spill. Through the screen door, I hear his dog start to bark wildly, their tail wagging crazily.

At that moment the tears spill. It hurts to watch the dog begging for me to come to give it love. Why did Yugyeom have to do this? I just wanted to be happy with him, I honestly could've gone and spent my life with him.

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