Chapter 6.

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~Ahn Mihyung P.O.V.~

It was awkward the next morning when we woke up, throughout the night his arm had slung over my body and pulled me close to him to where we were practically cuddling. He immediately jumped up and started saying sorry.

His eyes were puffy from all the crying and I'm sure mine was too. It was 7 AM, right before Joho would get up for work so Yoongi rushed to his room with a goodbye. After he left I rolled over to his side of the bed, basking in the warmth his body left as I fell asleep again.

When I woke up later it was to a lot of yelling. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't with the noise. What the heck was going on? I stretched, bones popping, and yawned my way into the living room where the noise was coming from.

Yoongi and all his friends were in there. They were having a rap battle by what it seemed. Jin was up against Jungkook and they both were really awkward about it (though Jin has been awkward since birth).

I stepped in the middle of them, aggravated they woke me up. They stopped the rap battle and were looking at me. "Can you guys please take this outside? I'm trying to sleep."

J-Hope stepped beside me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "C'mon Migyung, how about you show us your rap skills." They all then started cheering for me to go, saying, "Go Migyung! Go Migyung!" "Let's get V against her!"

The next thing I know Rap Monster was dropping a beat and they were all looking at me. I just woke up so my brain was still processing even how to breathe. I couldn't freestyle. "Guys.. really not right now," I tried to say but they weren't having it and just encouraged me more.

I might as well get it over with... "Yo V, your name is just like you: simple." All the boys started saying "Oooooohhhhh! You gonna take that from her V?"

V paced himself and then started bursting out laughing, "Guys she's a girl, I can't insult her."

"Funny because you're getting insulted by a girl," I said. The boys agreed and kept encouraging him.

"Yo, Migyung... you should run away because I'm like Jay Z." He clearly just was saying whatever came to mind and the rest of the boys stopped him.

"V, I think Migyung won that one," Yoongi said and I smiled, pumping my fists in the air. Jimin and Jungkook picked me up and carried me around the living room to celebrate my victory. While they were doing so eomma walked in and just shook her head at us.

Jin trailed after her, "You know that one thing you made last time that was really sweet? Could you maybe make that again..?" 

Rap Monster sighed, "Hyung, stop bothering her about food!" 

Jimin and Jungkook set me down on the couch with a, "here you go my queen." Jungkook snapped his fingers at V. "Peasant come to kiss her feet." 

V walked towards me, getting on his knees and picking up my foot, "Queen I'm sorry for my failure. I will do better next time." He didn't actually kiss my foot but blew a kiss towards it and got up with a bow.

At first, I thought they were all really annoying but they were actually fun and made me laugh a lot. Yoongi came and sat by the couch with me, "Sorry if they're a bit too much sometimes."

I nodded my head, smiling, "No, no, they're really fun."

The rest of the day was spent smiling with all of them.



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