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"so your saying that your leaving and you wont-cant tell me why?" Vara sat down on her bed with a confused look. "yeah im sorry" she looked at me and then she jumped up and screamed. "calm down Vara it's ok" she stopped and put her hands on her mouth and then slowly removed them. "your a vampire aren't you" I just looked at my feet and she screamed and jumped up and down. "OMG_YOU ARE!! AREN'T YOU!" she screeched and I nodded, covering my ears, when a knock came from the window and then Sebastian appeared, making Vara squeak.

"who is that?" she pointed to the window and I walked to the window and opened it. "what are you doing?" I asked a little irritated, he smiled. "it's time to go Kat" I looked back at Vara who had the biggest smile on her face. "Kat who's this?" she looked at Sebastian and so did I, because I didn't know what to say, then Sebastian came through the window and extended his hand. "hi, im Sebastian Vince" as he said his name Vara's eyes widened and she looked over at me. "t-th-the g-guy f-from your dreams?" she stuttered and I nodded, her jaw dropped and she shook his hand dumbly.

"Kat, we need to leave" Sebastian said as he jumped out the window and Vara almost screamed, she looked at me as I walked over to her and hugged her and said goodbye in her ear then jumped out the window and when I hit the ground like at cat, I looked up to see Vara looking down in surprise, I smiled and followed Sebastian back to the car.

"so where is home anyway?" I looked at him from the passenger seat, he looked over at me and just smiled...



"Kat wake up" I heard Sebastian's voice, but didn't open my eyes. "you know I know your awake now come on or i'll have to carry you" it was like I could hear him smile, but still didn't move, then I felt an arm go around my waist and another arm go under my legs and then I opened my eyes and looked up at Sebastian. "you just wanted me to carry you, didn't you?" I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. "yep" I said making the "P" pop as he set me down and I pouted.

he showed me the house and where I was staying which is in his room... ok it was a little weird because one girl was following us and every time I looked at her she glared at me and the last time she did that I stuck my tongue out at her, which made her growl. Sebastian's head snapped around and he growled at her, she yelped and jumped back. "don't EVER do that again got it" he said and she nodded fast, then we started walking again and when we made it to what I guess was his office.

"your home is beautiful Sebastian" I looked around and stopped at a painting of the Moon. "it's now your home to Katherine" he said into my ear and I smiled at the painting when a knock came on the office door. "come in" Sebastian said as we sat down on a big leather couch, he sat beside me. "Sebastian the leader of the Milson clan is here and would like to speak with you" 

"ok Ethan thank you. send him in" Sebastian got up as he said it and nodded his head, but Ethan looked over at me in confusion. "sorry Ethan this is Katherine Drake. Katherine this is Ethan Shawn"

"hello" I said to Ethan and he bowed his head then walked out and a moment later a Tall brown haired man walked in with two other men followed behind him and when he made it to the middle of the room, he stopped. "Sebastian" he looked at Sebastian and smirked, then walked up to Sebastian and hugged him. "Kole it's been forever... literally" they both laughed and then Kole looked over at me.

"well, well, well what do we have here?" Kole looked me up and down making me uncomfortable. "Kole this is Katherine Drake I've told you about her" Sebastian smiled at me and I gave him a quick smiled. "OOHH yes I remember (The Girl Of Your Dreams)" he sang the last part and Sebastian growled at him and I laughed and they looked at me with a face that made me laugh harder. "s-sorr-y" I giggled.

and when they were done talking business Kole left. Sebastian sat down and stretched his arms out for me to come to him and I did, I sat on his lap in silence until he started kissing my neck and I pull away. "what is it?" he looked at me. I leaned in and kissed him and as we sat there kissing I pulled away again. "we should go to bed" I got up and he went to his desk, confused I ask. "what are you doing?" he looks up at me. "I cant go to bed I have to finish some paper work" I giggled and he looked at me confused. "Sebastian there are a lot of things we could do in a bed" I smiled at him as I watched his confusion quickly turn into lust

and with Vampire speed I bolted for the room Sebastian was on top of me in seconds. he kissed my lips and then my jaw as he trailed kisses down my neck and I stopped him by pushing him off with Vampire strength and he slammed into the wall and I got up and seductively took off my shirt and dropped it to the floor and he stood there watching trying not to move as I slowly walked over to him and pulled his shirt slowly off and like mine, I dropped it to the floor and he grabbed the waistband of my jeans and unbuttons them and pulls the down and I am left in my blue bra and matching underwear.

he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he lays us down on the bed. kissing me and stops. "are you sure?" he looked down at me and I smiled happy he thought about me. "yes" was all I said and he kissed me.....

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