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"wow, not even a note?" Vara said looking at me with wide eyes. i just laid there and looked at the ceiling  staring at a BVB poster there and then a knock came on Vara's door. "who is it?" Vara asked. "it's your Mother" Vara's Mom (Lily) said though the door before opening it.

"so what's going on up here" she seen the look on me face then looked at Vara.

"look, Katherine you can stay the night if you want, you know that right?" i looked up at Lily as she say down beside me on the bed. "i know... but no thanks, i need to go, so see you tomorrow"

i sat up and hugged Vara and Lily. walking down the stairs and out the door. getting into my car. 

on the ride home, i didn't even turn up the music. i drove in silence, and when i made it home, i walked into the house, turning on the kitchen light and grabbed a soda and shut off the light then walked up the stairs to my room. closing the door didn't even turn on the light.

walking to my bed, i plopped down and stare into the darkness. wondering what mom would think and soon fell asleep.


when I woke, I heard a knock on my window and almost jumped out of my skin. I got up to see who it was and froze. my heart started to beat faster.

"no, this has to be a dream?" I told myself and pinched my arm

"no, not a dream" why was this happening? he cant be real... can he? there's no way.

 when I made it to the window I hesitated and then opened it.

"how are you here? you where just a dream?" I asked looking at Sebastian though the window

"I thought the same with you... until the other night" I stepped back from the window and he came in and closed it behind him.

"why-how-what do you want?" I shuddered, a little scared of the answer.

"you know what i want" he smirked and walked to my bed and sat down "do you plan on staying?" I looked at him, he was exactly like he was in my dreams.

"no, I just want to know why im having dreams of you" he looked up and down me which made me feel a little-you would think uncomfortable, but no, it's like i have known him forever, like I was used to him looking at me like that... I felt comfortable-WEIRD!

"i can't help you. i don't know why im-we are having these dreams" he sat there staring at me and I decided to sit on my bed beside Sebastian.

"looks like im thirsty" he said and I didn't see him move and he was on top of me. pinning me to the bed,  my heart jumped and my body stayed still with fear. but my mouth didn't want to stay still. "what-" I was cut off. 

seeing his fangs as he slowly bent down to my neck, a pain came quick and gone just as quick. I don't know why I didn't fight or scream or anything I just laid there knowing my blood was being taken. one of his right and let go of my right wrist and slid his hand behind my back and held me against him.

 when he was done he set me down gently back on the bed. he looked at me. my eyes when to my blood on his lips. "that was easier then I thought" he smiled and stood. walking to my bathroom. I sat up and put my hand to my neck to stop the bleeding.

he came back with a cloth, grabbing my hand and pulled it away from my neck. he wiped the blood off my hand and leaned back to my neck and licked or tried to lick the blood off and I jumped back scared he was going to bite me again (NOW MY BODY REACTS!!)

"im trying to heal you, not bite you.. vampire saliva heals wounds. now are you going to stay still or not?" he said looking into my eyes. i look away with a nod. he leaned in and started to heal the wound.  


Sebastian's P.O.V.

"looks like im thirsty" I said and practically jumped on her so fast that the human eye shouldn't see it. I pinned her down and she looked at me "what-" she see's my fangs coming down she doesn't struggle or scream or even fight, nothing... not so bad, but I hate it that she's so still. i lifted her up and held her against my body. feeling her heart beating against my chest.

I know she's scared, i can smell it. I bent to her neck and I bit down and the taste of sweet blood flowed into my mouth it was the best blood I ever had. I wanted to drink it all, but didn't and after I was done I set her back down on her bed gently and stood, walked to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth, when I came back in, she had her hand on her neck. i walked over to her and pulled her hand away from her neck wiping the blood from her hand, then leaned in close the bite and she jumped back

"im trying to heal you not bite you.. vampire saliva heals wounds. now are you going to stay still or not?" and as I looked at her, she looked away with a nod. I leaned in and cleaned the wound... after I was done, I left (for now) I thought to myself...  

wow cliffy lol, I know you probably don't like it when that happens, it will be ok, so if you like it please comment and vote I know that gets annoying but please do and thanks for reading XD 

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