Chapter 2

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Team Natsu was riding the train to Jirame City. It was a long and quiet one since Erza knocked Natsu out.

Once they arrived Natsu was already out the Train.

"Whoohoo! Alright! Im all fired up! Lets find this guy!!" Natsu yelled with some people staring at him.

"Where him to retrieve him not to beat him up" Lucy stated

"If he doesn't join us we will have to" Erza said staring at the sky

"EHH?! No! Please don't hurt him!" Lucy yelled at her

"Well lets get start and go to Hamagashin Academy" Gray said only wearing his Underwear causing the crowd the formed to stare at him weirdly.

"Hamagashin eh?" A (H/c) boy said

"Yes, do you know where that is?" Erza aksed

(M/n) nodded lightly.

"Really? Can you help us?" Lucy asked

"Yeah, To Hamagashin we go!" (M/n) shouted pointing towards the schools direction, they started to walk through the streets of Jirame. Once they arrived (M/n) stopped and asked "Why do you want to go to Hamagashin anyways"

"We are Wizards on a Mission" Wendy said looking up at (M/n).

"Wizards eh? What kind of Mission?" (M/n) asked.

"Where here to find (M-" Natsu got cut off since Erza slapped his mouth shut.

"That is Classified" Erza stated

"Oh okay, I though I could help since I study here" (M/n) said frowning slightly.

"Aye!, I agree!" Happy agreed.

"Yeah!, Me too!" Natsu yelled with Happy

"I think we should tell him" Wendy told Erza

"Hmph....Fine" Erza said glaring daggers at (H/c)-nette

"Who are you looking for?..." (M/n) said obviously scared.

"This boy named (M/-" Lucy got cut off since the bell rang.

"Sorry!, I have to go class is starting, so please wait for me till Lunch!" (M/n) shouted dashing into school.

Team Natsu was disappointed to say the least, they were so close to finishing the Mission.

Lucy sighed letting her shoulder fall sadly.

"I thought this was gonna be fast" she says pouting

"Well patience is key, So lets wait" Carla said.

"What do you think his personality is Erza?" Lucy asked

"Anything is fine just as long he doesn't look like Ichiya" Erza said shivering at the thought

"I hope he isn't a Perv,Creep or an Idiot" Lucy stated pointing at Natsu at the last part.

"Well lets hang around here till he arrives" Gray said putting his hands in his pockets

~~ A sexy time skip ~~

"WHATS TAKING HIM SO LONG!!" Natsu shouted

"I don't know but if he doesn't get her right now I'll-" Happy got cut of by shouting by a familiar voice.

"Get away!" The voice shouted

"That's the Voice from the Guy we met!, I think he is in trouble!" Lucy shouted pointing towards the noise.

"Lets go help him!" Wendy shouted running towards the shouting, the others followed running through the halls until they found a dead end where (M/n) and Jacob was.

"What are you doing to him!" Natsu said growling in rage

"Oh look at there, You actually have friends?, I hope they are as weak as you (M/n)" Jacob said looking down at the cowering
(H/c) haired boy.

"(M/n)!?" Team Natsu gasped wide-eyed.

"Let him go! Or else!" Natsu yelled gritting his teeth.

"How about lets fight, Outside so I won't destroy anything, One on One, Then you could have (M/n)" Jacob said grabbing (M/n)'s collar of his shirt pulling him up.

"FINE!, If one of us wins you will give us (M/n)!" Natsu yelled pointing at Jacob.

"Deal, I will get to pick my opponent...You" He said pointing at Erza.

Natsu,Gray,Lucy,Wendy,Happy and Carla looked at him with pity.

"When will we battle?" Erza asked.

"Right Now, and the Audience will get to see how you lose" Jacob said gesturing the crowd that has been formed.

"Fine. Lets go then" Erza said walking with her guildmates outside to the courtyard, Soon Jacob followed with the crowd of students.

They took there positions ready to start the fight.

"Just to warn you, It will be hot" Jacob said smirking.

Some girls squealed and Guys where cheering Jacob on.

"And to warn you, We are apart of Fairy Tail and we will not tolerate the pain of our own" Erza said Re-Quipped to her Heavens Wheel armor.

"F-Fairy Tail?!, Isn't she Tatania Queen of the Fairies?!" A guy said.

Erza didn't hesitate to attack she summoned 10 swords and shot it at Jacob.

Jacob dodged them almost getting hit by them.

He used Purple flames to make a net and try to catch Erza.

But she cut it into half, Jacob stepped back, Completely scared he stuttered and begged for Erza to stop.

"Good choice" Lucy mumbled.

"He got off that easily?!" Natsu yelled

"Do you have a problem with that?" Erza asked glaring at Natsu

"N-No Ma'am!" Natsu yelled scared of Erza

"So your (M/n)?" Lucy asked grabbing (M/n) from the ground pulling him up.

"Y-yeah I'm (M/n), (L/n) what do y-you want from M-me?" He stuttered

"We are here to retrieve you (M/n), (L/n) to join us The Fairy Tail Guild, just as requested by the Magic Council" Erza said explaining to (M/n).

"Me? Why would I join a guild?, I'm not even a Wizard" (M/n) asked completely confused

"Well you are one! And your gonna be part of us now!" Natsu yelled giving goofy grin at the boy.

"Fine, Ill join you then.." (M/n) said blushing a little.

Erza bear hugged the life out of (M/n).

"H-help! I-I cant breath!" (M/n) yelled try to gasp for air

"Your so cute!~" Erza said tightening her hugs grip.

"Please S-stop! your crushing me!" (M/n) yelled trying to push Erza away.

"How can somebody hurt such a Cute boy!?" Erza said dramatically.

Erza finally let go of (M/n). He was gasping for air trying to breath as deep as possible. Right now the crowds were long gone.

It was a silent the rest of the day.

(M/n) went back to his apartment with Team Natsu. He packed all his stuff to get ready a leave Jirame and go live in Magnolia.

"I'm all set" (M/n) said holding his bag smiling widely ready to leave...

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