Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 30 [Final]

Start from the beginning

“It’s the nerves, son. I can understand.” He draped it over my suit jacket that was hanging in front of the closet. “What shirt are you wearing?”

“The black one that I bought last week.” I answered. “I need to take this stuff to get pressed.”

“Landon, calm down. Take deep breaths.” I nodded and tried to keep my breathing calm. “Just because one section of your life is coming to an end doesn’t mean that it’s all over. You’ll have other big moments in your life. This is just the beginning.”

“I know.”

“They’ll call out your name and you’ll walk up and get your diploma and throw your hat up into the air along with the rest of your class.” Freddy said. “Even then, your nerves will still be flying a mile a minute. It’s the excitement, Landon. I suggest you go along with it.”

“I can do this.” I said. “I can’t do this. I definitely can’t. Freddy I’m not ready for this. Shit, I have no future.”

“Of course you have one. You’re graduating in a few days and you’ll be in university at the end of summer.” He said. “You’re going to be successful one day.”

“You think so?” He nodded. “This is all going way too fast.”

“You can do it. I’ll be sitting there watching. You’ll be fine.” He patted me on the top of my back.

I watched as he stood up and left with my suit in the suit bag. I actually meant that I would take it myself, but I guess this way was better. I didn’t think that driving with my nerves would be entirely safe right now.

I smiled as i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I knew that it was Travis texting me. mainly because he said he'd text me as soon as he got home. I pulled my phone out and quickly tea the message. He was asking me if i had all my stuff ready. I replied that i just had to get my shoes out.

We texted for a while and joked about how glad we were that we finally leaving this hellhole behind, but we couldn't deny our real feelings. That 'hellhole' did so much for us. It was a big part of our lives and got us to where we were now. It also brought Travis and I together, even if we did hate each other in the beginning.

With a final good bye text, i made my way down to the kitchen. As i was making myself a BLT sandwich, my dad walked in. I wanted to drop everything at i was doing and just leave but my dad, sensing what I was about to do, stopped me before i could lift a finger.

"Landon, wait." He said. I took a deep breath and turned to face him completely.

"Why dad? You never give me the time of day, so why shouldn't i offer you the same courtesy?" I could feel myself getting angrier as the minutes passed.

"I am still your father and you will sill listen to me." He soda sternly. "Is this still about that Christmas thing? We got you and your sister gifts. What more did you want?"

"We wanted to be a family. We wanted to be together like we were when we were kids." A replied in a raised volume. "For gods sake dad, it was my last Christmas living here."

"That's not what you want to talk about." He said. "You've been walking on eggshells all week."

"I'm graduating soon." I said. "Should I tell the school to fill up your seat or are you going to ditch us at the last minute?"

"I'll be there." He assured.

"Forgive me for not believing you."

"Goddammit Landon, I'm trying okay!" He yelled. "Nothing I do is the right thing."

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