Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 19

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This took me a while to much thiinking to do. so many ideas and sometimes i want to add everything but that will just cause more drama.

Chapter 19 yo!

The pic's of Landon ;)

The video link is 'Get Over It' by Late Nite Reading 


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The sun shone dimly through the half opened curtains. I blinked a few times to get used to being awake. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and got out of the bed. after brushing my teeth and cleaning up a bit, I padded barefooted back into the bedroom. 

I sat down at my desk and put on my laptop. I opened up my email and sighed when I saw the first message.

Mr. Landon Baxter,

I am an associate of your father's and I witnessed your propsosal that you did in the board meeting a few months ago. 

I am quite eager to meet the young man behind that brilliant work. I might have a job offer waiting for you once you are done with your studies. I would of course understand if you refuse and decide to work for your father instead. He is afterall, a well known business man.

I would like for us to meet before hand though if you are available. Say, Saturday morning at 9AM at Madam Su's for a breakfast meeting.

Thanking you,

Ronald Clark.

This wasn't the first message I got related to my work. People were more impressed that I was an eighteen year old and that i was still in high school. I wondered if I should mark this as spam as I did the others. I looked over to the edge of my desk and glanced at all the letters I had received. 

I reached out and pushed them off the desk and into the trash can. I flexed my fingers and began typing out a reply.

Re: Your proposal was quite intriguing.

Mr. Clark,

Thank you for your appreciation of my work. I think it would be best if we met as I am still undecided on where I'm headed after I graduated from University. 

Saturday would be fine with me. I look forward to our meeting.

Landon Baxter.

I moved away from the desk and started to get dressed for the day. I had so much on my mind and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I pulled on my dark blue jeans and sprayed my torso with my body spray before pulling on my t-shirt.

As I put on my converse I thought about how strange my life had become. Since the break up between me and Travis, all my old hookups thought that I would go back to my old ways. I got calls every night and it became so annoying that I had to change my number. 

There was nothing I wanted more than to go after Travis, to make him see that I really did care for him. I made mistakes, I lied to him and worst of all, I treated him like he didn't matter. I hated myself for what I became while i was with him.

I made a promise though, I promised him that I'd stay away. He made it absolutely clear that he didn't want to be with me. He was with Brock, they loved each other and were happy. It wasn't my place to interfere. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I just needed strength to get through this.

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