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dez p.o.v

nicole stop calling my phone me and you are over we are done i dont have nothing else with you now.

I yelled through the phone she stopped talking and i could hear the tears run down her face as she said silent and calmly you will regret this i just shook my head and hung up on this crazy bitch . i grabbed my phone and called jay to see what hes up to today

shawn p.o.v

last night miyah said she loved me i wanted to say i love you to but i didnt want to feel weak so i just kept quiet but i dont know what to do because her dad and my mom is dating hopefully they will break up or something so that we can be together in piece and wont have to sneak around .... i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed up one dez number to see if we meeting at the trap tonight or nah

dez p.o.v

ayye hold on jay somebody on my other line i said when i realized that it was dez i merged the call hello jay said dez began talking are we meeting at the trap tonight yes jay said and i nodded my head i will txt tez to let him know and i hung up i txted tez to let him know to be there

i hung up and i was laying on my couch when keyona comes in the door with my daughter denise daddy i hear the joy in her voice as soon as she sees me she jumped in my arms keyona leaned over and kissed me hey baby i said with a grin on my face i missed you she stated i missed you to i said walking to the back yard with my daughter pulling on my arms denny im comming i say to my daughter refering to her nick name keyona walked in the kitchen as soon as we  went outside

Tracy p.o.v

Trace get yo ass over here now and get me another drink women !! i heard as i ran to his feet i stood in front of him and grabbed his class . i was shaking this was the third time this month that he has done this to me when he drinks he gets like this i openend up my mouth to speak babe i dont think you should have anymore trace stay the hell out of my business i drink because i fucking hate this marriage i fucking hate you . I stood there with my mouth open i was shocked that he said that. i walked away with all the fucked up shit that he has put me through this so happens to be the worst for me i left the living room and walked into my bedroom i grabbed a bag and opened my droors and pulled out clothes and stuffed them into the bag until it became full i zipped it up put on a pair of red and black jordans and began to walk downstairs with my things as he was sitting on the couch trace were do u think your going as i stopped in my tracks to turn his way its none of your consern you no longer want this marriage i say sarcastically he got up off the couch and walked my way he put his hand over my throat and started to choke me i dropped my bag off of my shoulder and tried to reach for air or anything to get him off of me he started to push when we bumped into the counter top i grabbed the glass and broke it into pieces across his head but he then didnt stop his grip only got tighter when he finally let me go i ran towards the door when my hair was yanked out of my head and now i was laying beside it on the floor i was now passed out and i had a headache from the way i hit my head on the floor when i woke up i thought that it all was a dream.

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