The other two kids, that were with them, looked at me with fear in their eyes, while they slowly started to back away from me. I took steps forward to them, trapping them between lockers and me. I laughed to myself and grab one by the throat choking him against the locker, watching as his face started to turn red. The other boy slipped away and ran down the hallway and out of sight. I dropped the kid I was choking and looked over to see Ryan and Chaz helping other up. They both rose to their feet, death staring me. Ryan looked pissed, his veins were palpitating on his head and he was trying to regroup himself. Chaz was trying to calm him down and pull him away from coming near me.

"Not now Ryan, leave it for now," I heard Chaz speak as he held his nose in his hand.

"You should listen to him you know," I said with extreme confidence and laughing at the sight of these two. Ryan shook his head from side to side, bending over trying to catch his breath. He looked up to me with venom in his expression, if looks could kill.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM JASON. YOU FUCKING DID NOT JUST DO THAT TO US. WHAT THE FUCK. FUCK. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. YOU FUCKING BACKSTABBER." Ryan exploded at me, his face turning face from his outburst. His spit was flying everywhere and too be honest, I was surprised that steam didn't come out from his ears.

Chaz pulled him and they both limped down the hallway and out of sight, leaving just myself and Justin. I walked over to him and bent down to check on him, seeing that he was bleeding and was barely conscious. I picked him up to his feet and walked towards the car park. I placed him into my car softly made way for my house.


Justin's POV:

I think I must have been knocked out or fallen asleep, because I don't remember too much from today. I recall being hit by Ryan and his group a few times, and I thought I heard someone familiar speak but I can't remember. I sat up and held my head in pain, looking around to reveal that I was in a very familiar place. I froze when I realized that I was in Jason's room. How the hell did I end up here? I thought that he was gone. Is this his final plan to kill me? I heard fumbling at the door before it swung open, revealing Jason.

He looked at me and instantly shot his head down with a guilty expression. I saw him bite his lip and rub the back of his neck nervously.

"Uh," He let out as he cleared his throat, "Is it okay if I come in?"

His tone seemed like he was sad and afraid to talk to me. I didn't understand what was going on right now and wanted to get some answers out of him, on what happened and why I am here.

"Y-yes," I said moving over on his bed so that he could come sit next to me. For some reason I felt like he was not going to do anything to hurt me. I felt like I was safe after seeing his expression when he saw me. Jason stood in front on me and raised his head slightly to look at me. His expression was mixed of guilt and sadness, and I could tell this wasn't easy for him.

"S-sit," I said patting on the spare space next to me. His eyes moved to the space on the bed and he slowly walked beside me and sat, as though expecting me to say I was joking. He sat next to me looked straight forward, clenching his jaw. I turned so that I was facing him straight on and tried to gain his attention.

"J-Jas," is all I managed to stutter before he cut me off. He made no eye contact with me but sat staring at the wall, with his body staying tense in its position.

"Justin. I can explain this to you. I know that you probably don't want to hear it and already have shunned me out of your life, but I want you to know something, that excuse I gave you a few weeks back was pathetic. You deserve better. Why are you here? Well I was at school and I walked into the hallway and saw Ryan and Chaz with their new friends hurting you."

Tears began to roll down Jason's smooth cheek as he continued to hold his expression and look away from me. He let out a pained sigh and continued on. "Justin, when I looked and saw you hurt, my heart felt like it had been stabbed. I couldn't just stand there and watch, and I will not participate in that anymore. You have my word."

I noticed how tense that Jason was right now so I placed my hands onto his to let him know I was comfortable around him. I instantly felt him relax at my touch and his body visibly loosened. He smiled and turned to look at me. "Justin I can't tell you where I have been for the past few weeks, but I can tell you I have changed. I am not the monster you once knew. I have feeling for you Justin. I've had many sleepless nights arguing with myself, trying to convince myself that I wasn't in love with you, but Justin."

He paused and grabbed a hold of my side and pulled me into his embrace. The smell that was bouncing off of his skin was sending my body crazy. I felt warm inside and was surprised that Jason McCann had just embraced me. "Justin Bieber, I am in love with you. I know a guy like me will never be with a guy like you, especially since I have treated you like absolute shit for as long as I can recall now, but I want to at least try to be civil with you, and hopefully one day even friends."

Jason moved his face in front of mine I felt the warm air from his breaths being pushed out against my face, which again sent a weird feeling through my heart and body. I hitched my breath as Jason moved his muscular hands down onto my hips and started to brush his nose against mine. His skin was so soft at the touch and the feelings inside of me were so mixed. Only the sound of light breathing was heard from Jason, and the sound of hitched breathing from me. I looked his Jason's eyes and saw ice blue orbs staring back into mine. "May I kiss you?" Jason asked moving his head slightly up to place his lips over my nose, gently pecking at it.

I felt my cheeks feel with red at the feeling he sent through my body. I nodded my head as an in the moment reaction but stopped as soon as his lips were millimetres away from me. I turned my head quickly causing Jason to place his lips against my neck. He pulled away once he realized what I had done. "Is something wrong," he asked in his raspy tone.

I suddenly thought about Sam and the moment he and I had the other afternoon. I don't want to ruin that because it was really special to me. But I also thought about what Sam had told me and needed to ask Jason exactly what he has been up to. I turned back to look at him, creating some separation between the two of us. He looked confused as to why I had just done what I did.

"J-Jason," I said trying to figure out exactly how to say what I wanted to. "M-my f-friend S-Sam," I continued looking to Jason who's face read confusion. "D-did y-you l-leave h-him t-the n-notes?"

"Who is Sam? What notes? Justin I didn't do whatever it is you're asking." Jason said in a quick defence which made me question whether or not he was telling the truth.

"T-then w-why w-were y-you a-at s-school? W-why c-come b-back?" I asked him seeing his expression change from confusion to one of a deer caught in headlights. 

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