"Well  wait." She said stopping the door from closing. "How was the club? You have fun?"

"I-it was okay." I shrugged as she walked past me sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Well that's good I guess, but um where's Tre? I saw him when he brought you in but I never saw him leave?"

"Oh he left after he brought me in."

"Oh it must have been when I came back upstairs."

"Yeah probably." I said, rubbing my temples sitting on the bed next to her.

"You okay?"

"Just have a headache."

"You take anything for it?"

"Don't have anything."

"Yes you do, I put Tylenol and Advil in your bathroom in the medicine cabinet... I'll get it for you." She said getting up walking toward the bathroom.

"No!" I yelled jumping up running toward the door before her.

"What?" She questioned.

" I mean im saving your life I ate some baked beans yesterday and it hit me today and you don't wanna go in there for about 35 maybe even 45 minutes." I said, rubbing my stomach as she looked at me in disgust.

"That's just nasty Zar."

"What? It's natural." I said opening the bedroom door as she walked out.

"Mhm. I know and I know something else. We gonna have a talk about the club situation later you really thought you could hide that from me it's all over the Internet." She said looking me up and down before walking away.

"Okay." I sighed closing the door after her.

I quickly ran to the bathroom opening the door to see Tre taking selfies of his self smiling with his shirt up showing his abs.

"Really?" I laughed.

"What? I got bored." He chuckled walking back into my room.

"So what now?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I don't know." I shrugged "guess we wait?"

"For yo moms to go in her room or something?"

"Yep." I nodded.

I gave him a curious look as he started laughing randomly. "Yo are you scared of yo moms? I'm a grown ass man and you got me in here waiting and shit we ain't do nothing plus you the one paying the bills and doing all the shit round here you can have people come and go as you please. But I know you the "good girl" he said using air quotes well good girl going bad. " he chuckled.

"I- I'm not scared of her and you right I do pay everything the freak am I thinking. Come on!" I said grabbing his hand as we both walked down the stairs.

"Zariah Wher- "Tre? What you doing here so early?" Ma asked, looking at the clock on the wall above the fire place.

"I'll let Zariah tell you, I'm going to go home and change I'll be back...if that's okay with you?" He asked,Looking from me to my mom.

Riches to Rags (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now