"I will, I'm strong" 

Someone knocks on the door and Yoongi rushes to open it knowing who it is-the only one missing- He opens the door and hugs Jimin automatically as he sees him. 

"I missed you" Yoongi mumbles 

"how was your trip?" Yoongi asks, Jimin had been in Japan for two weeks just to view the sights and see how things are like in a different country. He walks inside, everyone staring at the two love birds as they communicate for the first time in a while. 

"I love how Yoongi is at home here, you guys expecting a third roommate? However I will not move his stuff in here" Namjoon says looking at Jungkook. 

"You know, I waited a month to live with Taehyung, if Yoongi wants to live with us he has to wait three months" Jungkook whispers. 

"well, I'm off to move your couch and bring it to my house...I mean storage" Namjoon says passing JImin and Yoongi and opening the door. 

"I'll help to" Jimin says and Yoongi automatically follows them out. 

"What can I help with?" Jin asks 

"With those delicate features...I have to unpack the boxes with blankets and all that" Jungkook points to the box right in front of the couch and Jin happily opens it, not arguing with the delicate features because he actually doesn't want to lift anything too heavy. 

The doorbell rings, the bright red lights go off and Jungkook goes to open the door, he stops before opening it not sure who it could be, especially since he didn't invite anyone else, if this was Namjoon or Yoongi they would know the door is unlocked. He looks into the peep hole and sees the three people he would've never expected. He opens the door and Hoseok smiles widely at him. Mark waves awkwardly, and Ricky looks like he'd rather not be there. 

"Sup" Ricky says, his hands in his pockets. Jungkook waves them in, Mark holding a huge plastic bag in his hands.

"Heard you're moving in so I brought some things to celebrate" Mark says. Its their first time seeing where Taehyung lives, Jungkook leads mark into the kitchen where he takes out everything from the bag onto the table, a bunch of chips, ramen, sodas, coffee, an energy drink. He starts taking out all the most calorie filled things you could find. 

"Thanks man" Jungkook says patting Mark on the back. Taehyung goes out and talks with Jin through sign language. 

"I'm so happy for you" Hoseok says sitting down next to Taehyung, he introduces Jin and Hoseok and Ricky and talks about Mark who is still in the kitchen with Jungkook, cooking a bunch of ramen.  

"what happened to that interpreter you had ever since you got your hearing aid?" Jin asks 

"Oh Tao, we still talk sometimes he's really chill, well he now works at a school for deaf children, he teaches them how to dance its honestly really cute he sent me a video a few days ago" Taehyung pulls out his phone from his pocket and shows them the video Tao sent. 

They all start unpacking boxes and moving the final ones from Jungkook's house and putting them in the truck or brining them to Taehyung's place. From time to time having a break to eat some of the food Mark brought. Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi come back in and they all sit on the floor and talk with a bunch of bowls filled of chips and popcorn. 

"So how about we confess things that have been on our mind?" Hoseok suggests, Taehyung smiles a bit hiding a laugh, he should've known Hoseok would say something like this out of nowhere.

"I'll start" Jungkook says quickly, everyone looks at him

"I had this dream a few days ago and ever since I haven't been able to get this thought out of my head" He stops talking, everyone leaning forward waiting for more details. 

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