They all watched the idol groups on TV all performing, Taehyung just talking about the dances and pointing out bad lyrics, since he couldn't hear and all he had to rely on was reading the captions and watching the visuals. When new years hit, happy New Years were said and they all were thinking up wishes and things to complete in the New Year. Number one on Taehyung's list, Learn how to deal with all the unknown things around me that terrifies me

Number one on Jungkook's list, learn sign language. Number one for Jin, Become close with people who need me most. Jin's is an indirect to his new friend Taehyung and his family. 

Jungkook decided to stay over, Jin left to go home around one. Taehyung was reluctant on him leaving telling him to be careful outside. Once he left, Jungkook mumbled a 'Good riddance' Which Taehyung obviously couldn't have heard. Jungkook fell asleep on Taehyung's couch around two in the morning. Taehyung saw him asleep and was scared he'd get cold. He ran to his room and took off the warmest blanket and laid it on top of Jungkook who had started to slightly snore in a deep sleep. 

Jungkook wakes up and rolls over causing him to fall onto the carpet. "oww" He says loudly as he hits the ground. He grabs his phone and checks the time. Its noon. He gets up and sticks his head into what he thinks is Taehyung's room, he sees Taehyung asleep his hair all a mess. 

"You look so cute when you're asleep" Jungkook says outloud knowing his words wouldn't wake Taehyung."Don't get me wrong, you look cute when you're awake, I just mean something about how peaceful you look makes you seem even more cute, this is weird, I'll text you later" 

Jungkook grabs his stuff and cleans up the holiday decorations he put up, he takes them all down and pops all the balloons but one incase Taehyung wants it.  That night he texted Taehyung telling him to wait for him in the morning.  

Taehyung woke up and went over to check up on Jungkook who by that time was already long gone, blanket folded and placed perfectly on the couch for Taehyung to take away. Taehyung laid down hugging the blanket tightly wondering, thinking of the movies with Jungkook, thinking of that first day at school, wondering why he felt so close with Jungkook. Why does he care? Even Taehyung still doesn't understand nor have an answer.


Morning came faster than anyone wants it to, its back to school day. Jungkook goes outside his apartment and see's Taehyung going down the stairs to the bus stop where they prepared to meet. Grabbing onto his bag he rushes to catch up to Taehyung, almost tripping on the first step. 

He puts his arm in Taehyung's to tell him he was there. Taehyung looks at him for a second before they continue walking down the stairs, arms linked.  Once at the bus stop Taehyung holds out his earphones contemplating on if he should put them in his ears. The cold morning air pushes his hair back, Jungkook doesn't understand whats going on but he takes the earphones out of Taehyung's hand and places one into The ear next to him before placing the other earphone into his own ear, both boys stand there no music playing, just with earphones in. 

"Is this kind of what it is like for him?" Jungkook questions in his head. The bus comes to a screeching stop and Jungkook follows closely to Taehyung, the earphone in his ear falling out and hitting Taehyung's side. Taehyung puts it into his other ear and takes the first empty chair he could find, Jungkook sits next to him before anyone else could claim that seat as theirs.

Taking out his phone Jungkook types a message to the boy sitting next to him, 

"Why do you wear earphones when you don't you know..."

Taehyung looks over at Jungkook's phone and shrugs before taking it and typing a response,

"Less people bother me that way...and that way no-one can find out" Jungkook reads it, erases the words and puts his phone away in his pocket. Resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he takes a nap. 

Taehyung pushes Jungkook's shoulder twice before awaking him, half asleep Jungkook looks at everything blurry around him and Taehyung still with both earphones in guides Jungkook out of the bus and to the school gate entrance. 

"I thought you'd never wake up" Taehyung says with a smile and Jungkook gives him a half asleep smile stretching before walking forward into the school. They go into their class and sit in their seats, Jungkook looks out the window besides him, this year is going to be different, I just know it, he thinks with a smile. 

"Aye Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook's dreams that he had as he looked out the windows, flew right out. 

"Namjoon!" He says as he gets up and does the signature handshake with the older boy. 

"I see my seat has been taken over, I wasn't at school for one day and get kicked out of my seat" Jungkook looks at Taehyung who is looking at the front of the classroom alert for when the teacher comes in.

"But don't worry, I'll sit next to Yoongi won't be as fun when he's sleeping all the time you know" He starts laughing, Jungkook sighs in relief that the person he is now fond of won't have to be pushed to sit in the other side of the room with no-one to understand him. 

Namjoon is a good guy, he just scared Jungkook sometimes, they've sat next to each other since forever, they've hung out so many times, really close friends. But on the days where Jungkook wanted to sit in silence, Namjoon would never let him, "we should skip class", "we should see that new movie", "Hey wake up, That hot girl is looking at you, wait no, she's looking at me, false alarm, go back to sleep". But don't get me wrong, Jungkook likes when Namjoon makes him do something than nothing. 

Jungkook has always had this thing for looking out the window, and Namjoon wouldn't dare bother him just to make him look away. 

Namjoon isn't the type of guy to take his seat back from Taehyung, Jungkook deep down knew he wouldn't take the seat, but something just went over him, like he was going to stand up to his long time friend just to have this boy he didn't meet too long ago stay by his side. Namjoon also wouldn't mind sitting next to Yoongi since after all they are friends to, and they talk on the days Yoongi doesn't sleep. 

Namjoon smiles and moves so he's standing in front of Taehyung, Jungkook takes out Taehyungs earphone and Taehyung takes out the other one almost forgetting they were in. He looks over to Jungkook who motions darts his eyes from Taehyung to the guy standing in front of him. 

"Hi, I'm Namjoon" He says and Taehyung bows his head. "Taehyung" He says as clearly as he can but it comes out a lot softer than he meant it to. Namjoon smiled before returning to his seat. 

The teacher walks in and goes to the front of the class, morning intro is done and she jokingly welcomes Namjoon back poking fun at the fact he was absent. Half way through the math lesson, Taehyung gets frustrated, the teacher writing things on the board while talking, Her mouth couldn't be seen and what she is writing isn't clear since a tall kid is in the way. 

Taehyung moves his head and turns his body trying to be able to see the board. Jungkook hears Taehyung shifting in his seat, being a little annoying in other people's opinion but since they sit towards the back no-one is really that bothered. 

"Aye Kim, Kim Min-hee" Jungkook says in the best loud whisper he could, she turns to look at him, "Can you get  Lee Min-Ki to move, I cant see the board" 

half annoyed Min-hee nods her head, moving to tap the boy sitting a row and to the right of her, the desks close together making it easy. "Can you please move to the right I cant see" she lies, batting her eyelashes, Minki nods and moves a little making it easier for Taehyung to see. 

Taehyung doesn't even know, Jungkook was the reason why he could get a better view.  

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