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Taehyung moves all of his clothes so they are pushed to the left side of his closet. Jungkook taps the door frame catching Taehyung's attention, his hands are around a box filled of his clothes. Its been a month since Taehyung said they could move in together, a little less than a month since Taehyung got his hearing aid-his doctor also gave him another one for the other ear a week ago, he doesn't always wear both but finds it easier to hear everything balanced when in a small group,the reason they gave him the second one a few weeks later was because they wanted to see how he could do just with one. He only wears one when its just him and another person or when he is at school so he can only hear his teacher or whatever person he is talking to- all the other times he only occasionally wears them, trying not to become dependent on them, however he always has one in his pocket,along with a pair of earphones,as a security. 

"You can hang those up in here" Taehyung says and he grabs a bunch of empty hangers from the floor, Jungkook puts the box down. Taehyung looks at him confused after all he's the hard of hearing in this room. He questions if he should repeat himself but instead Jungkook pushes Taehyung's bed until it touches his own which him, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi helped move in hours ago. 

"So we have more space to walk, after all this room is small as it is" Jungkook says before winking at Taehyung, if Taehyung was closer to his bed he'd pick up a pillow and hit Jungkook with it. 

"I'm about to take this out" Taehyung says pointing to his hearing aid. 

"So overtime I open my mouth you wouldnt be able to hear my beautiful voice?" Jungkook questioned, acting offended. 

"Exactly what I'm saying" He walks over to the box Jungkook put on the floor and he opens it. he takes out the first shirt he sees and puts it on a hanger before putting it into the closet. 

"But you love my voice" Jungkook goes over and puts his arms around Taehyung, Taehyung's back right against his chest. 

"Don't you" he whispers right onto the hearing aid on Taehyung's right ear making sure Taehyung would hear it. 

"I don't know if the closer you get is the more I hear your voice so maybe get closer?" Taehyung questions and Jungkook puts his mouth closer to Taehyung's ear.  Taehyung turns around quickly and kisses Jungkook, Jungkook caught by surprise waits a few seconds before kissing back, things start getting heated as Jungkook goes to kiss Taehyung's neck. 

"You know the whole, the door is open come back whenever if you want to help, didn't sound fun to begin with, but this is entertaining" Namjoon's voice brings them both back to reality and Taehyung clears his throat before going back to putting Jungkook's shirts in the closet. 

"Has that closet always been there" Yoongi asks walking past Namjoon and into the room. 

"Hey is anyone here?" Jin asks as he closes the door behind him walking into the apartment. 

"Man who else is coming to help?" Namjoon questions walking towards the main entrance to see Jin. 

"Oh Jimin might stop by" Yoongi says after Namjoon who is greeting Jin. 

"We, will finish this later" Jungkook says pointing to Taehyung's neck. 

"Only if you buy me a nice scarf" 

"Only the best for my princess" 

Taehyung glares at Jungkook as he leaves the room. 

"I need help moving some things from my old apartment to a truck to put in storage" Jungkook says and Namjoon puts his hand up like he's in school wanting to ask a question.

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