Chapter 2: Soul of the Forgotten

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'This is so strange. What's going on?'

I open my eyes and I see that I'm staring at a rather tall tree, but the tree had no life to it. It looked like it was burnt and now only embers remain on the tree. Turning my head to the left, I see the same thing! I was inside a burnt up forest! I looked up beyond the branches towards the sky - it was dark and cloudy with red rays of light passing through the clouds. It was like the skies were bleeding blood!

I turn my attention to what lies beyond me and by the looks of it, I was in the middle of a clearing. Ashes were everywhere where I stepped and they were still warm.

"What is this place?"

"I see that someone finally arrived," a weak voice spoke from behind me.

Immediately, I spun around to face the person who spoke, but nobody was there.

"Show yourself!" I yelled out.

There was a quiet moment after I yelled, until I see a small hill forming right in front of me. I took a few steps back and stood my ground.

From underneath the ashes, a body was being pushed out until I could see what or who it was. The person had a ripped up black coat with a leather hood that covered the face. There were rusted black gauntlets and armored legging that had some surface rust. The skin colour of the person's hands were dark grey with sharp black nails.

"Who are you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Someone that has been left alone to rot in this hell hole for centuries, that is who I am!" He yelled but then he started coughing violently. "I don't have enough time to finish it..."

"To finsh what? I don't get it."

"My time has come... I shall allow someone to complete my mission, but who is strong enough to carry the mission through?" He tried to stand up.

"Umm dude, what on earth are you talking about?" I was starting to get worried about this person's actions, so I took a few steps back.

He was standing at 5 foor 11, somewhere around my height. Since he was standing, I could see more detail. His coat covered a decorative armored chestplate and the hood covered a black knight's helmet. He looks like some sort of fallen knight back from the Renaissance period. I look closer and I see that his body has glowing embers everywhere! It's like his soul is on fire ready to explode!

"You, my child, will finish my mission," he pointed at me.

"I... I don't understand! What is going on? Where am I? What is this place?!" I was almost at the point of losing it.

"All shall be revealed, my child. For now, I need to ask you something before I fade away."

"Um okay... what is it?" I was now staring at what was going on in his hands. His hands were on fire!

"Have you ever thought of death?"

"N-No! I never have... okay maybe a few times..."

"Good..." He was now staring at me.

"Okay... why did you ask?"

Before I knew it, he was right in front of me, but I couldn't speak and I couldn't even move a muscle for some reason. Maybe it's shock or something else.

"I need you to die for me..." I couldn't even say a word and I couldn't react until I felt a pain - a burning pain in my abdomen. My eyes shifted down and I saw a burning coiled up sword that went straight through my abdomen. The blade looked like it couldn't be used as a weapon at all, but the pain told me otherwise. The pain - it was as bad as it is - it was burning and I felt like I was being fried on the inside.

'So this is how people, in Star Wars, feel when they get stabbed with a lightsaber...'

"You will use my sword against the fiends of the darkness and of the corrupt. Drive my sword into them and let me taste the blood of my fresh kill. Use all the skills that I have left in my body at your disposal and only use them upon the wicked. May the flames guide your way, young one." He let go of the sword and fell to the ashes. His body was being eaten away by the embers of the ground until his body became another of the grounds ashes.

Xavier was on his knees trying to hold onto his last breath of life. He couldn't think of anything else, but death. The coiled sword that was impaled into him turned into a bright flame and the flame flowed into his body, but the wound was still there.

And with one last breath... he fell to the ashes of the ground.

This was only just the beginning...

Legend of Spyro: The Abyss Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu