Chapter 12

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John broke off some of the castle's wood with his Iron Tail as Sceptile and Simipour helped. Nina was patching up Crash's legs as Pinstripe was keeping him calm.

"I still can't believe this," John commented.

"Sce," said Sceptile, nodding in agreement with the Electric type.

"Simi," said Simipour.

Nina was in total shock that not only was her uncle alive and well but he was Phoenix as well. Silence fell into the room as they continued to patch Crash up. It was Pinstripe that broke the silence.

He stated, "I've been thinking... What if Cortex was put up to this?"

Nina replied, "Doesn't sound like my uncle."

Crash responded, "N-no. Not at all... Even though I'm still very confused to what happened exactly, I know that Cortex would never do that."

Pinstripe asked, "Maybe do you know...?"

Crash answered, "Cause there wasn't one shred of evidence that Cortex resented anything he did to us. No, he wasn't put up to this."

Nina whimpered, "T-then what happened...?"

That's when she started to cry, really cry. Crash's heart broke for Nina, he really felt badly about this. Sure Cortex and Nina were on the same page evilly but they were, after all, family. They might have acted like it but they were...


-Flashback: 'Crash Twin Sanity: One and a Half'-

After a bit of problems, the Iceberg Lair had finally arrived in the tenth dimension. Cortex seemed to be hugging 'Crash'.

He whispered, "You're fur is so soft and warm."

Crash, however, was on the other side of the Psychroton with Nina, John, and Pete.

Crash panicked and commented, "Uh, Cortex. I'm over here."

Nina looked frantic as she stated, "Uncle, look up!"

John and Pete yelled, in unison, "And hurry!"

Cortex saw them as he panicked and asked, "Wait. If you guys are over there, then who am I hugging?" That's when Cortex looked up and saw a bandicoot with dark red skin that could pass for an evil twin of Evil Crash of sorts. He screamed and yelled, "Evil Crash!"

Evil Crash growled as he grabbed Nina, running out.

Everyone yelled, "Nina!"

With that, they followed Evil Crash to a balcony, where he jumped off and made Nina into a make shift skateboard.

Cortex yelled, "Nina! We've got to save her! Think, Cortex, think!"

John asked his brother, "Didn't we see this somewhere before?"

Pete rubbed his chin and added, "Yeah but how did it end?"

Crash snapped his fingers and whispers, "I know how. And like I said, kids, don't do this at home."

That's when Crash kicked Cortex off and made him a make shift skateboard.

Pete stated, "Again, that would've been so much funnier if Cortex just turned around."

John responded, "Agreed."

With that, John jumped off and Pete made him a make shift skateboard and they caught up to Crash and Cortex. The two groups went down the mountain until they reached the foot, where they had to climb up the cannon wall. That's where everyone saw a carving of Victor and Mauritz in the mountain.

Crash told them, "Someone loves themselves a little too much."

John responded, "True but you've got to give them their props. That is one slick carving."

Pete advised Cortex, "Now, with this whole Nina deal, don't use the switch clause - meaning you take Nina's place."

Cortex responded, "Please stop panicking, Pete. I know what I'm doing. Somewhat, I must admit." With that, the four of them go over to Evil Crash's house. Cortex approached Evil Crash and demanded, "Let her go. Take me instead."

Evil Crash looked up and Cortex screamed. Cortex ran off with Evil Crash right behind him.

Pete told his friends, "Hate to say that I saw that coming but... I saw that coming."

John said, a bit stunned, "And I usually predict chase scenes."

Crash rolled his eyes at them and he went over to Nina. Crash tried to un-tie her but the ropes were too tight.

Crash told her, "These ropes are very tight, Nina. I can't budge them."

Nina responded, "Don't worry about me Crash. Help my uncle. I'll be okay. Go and hurry!"

Crash, John, and Pete nodded sadly as they left Nina behind and followed Evil Crash's trail. After getting rid of Evil Crash, the four some entered a clearing and Nina approached them.

Cortex saw her and said, "Nina! You're okay, thank God!"

With that, Cortex ran over to Nina and hugged her happily, surprising Nina. Nina eventually returned it, smiling. She couldn't believe it but her uncle did love her after all.

-End of Flashback-


'Why,' Nina thought, as she choked back tears, 'Why is this happening?'

Crash stated, after his legs had splints on them, "I say we find Aku-Aku, defeat Phoenix - er - Cortex, and then face Uka-Uka."

John replied, "I'm in."

Nina finally responded, "Me too."

The Pokemon nodded in agreement. Crash slowly got to his feet and yelped in pain. Sceptile caught its master as did Simipour.

Pinstripe questioned, "Are you sure you are up for this?"

Crash answered, "Positive. I want to be the one to stop Cortex. I want to know the truth."

John stated, "Then you shall have it."

Nina replied, "Then let's get going."

Pinstripe responded, "Sounds good to me."

The Pokemon nodded in agreement again as they helped Crash move about. The bandicoot was determined to find out what happened to his best friend.


Meanwhile, Aku-Aku barely came to as he got a shock to who was guarding him. It was Cortex himself.

"Cortex," the good magical mask blurted out, surprised.

He turned around to the good magical mask, a fire in his eyes as he hissed, "I am not Cortex!"

With that, he brought out a taser as he shocked Aku-Aku - making the good magical mask scream out in pain.


Wishmaker1028: The chaos continues! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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