Chapter 10

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Pinstripe, after what seemed like forever, took Crash's hand as the two of them stood together - hand-in-hand. Crash smiled as did Pinstripe.

"So are you coming, Pinstripe," Nina asked, gaining their attention.

Pinstripe nodded as they started to head further into the castle.


Meanwhile, as Crunch was leading the prisoners out of the castle, he saw Phoenix going into the castle through another way and not seeing them. 'Guess it's our lucky day,' Crunch thought, his eyes now on the very weak Pete. Crunch hoped that would somehow get out of this alive.


Uka-Uka looked at the arriving Phoenix, annoyed.

"Where have you been," he yelled, "Crash Bandicoot is here!"

"I apologize, my master," Phoenix replied, crossing his left arm over his chest.

"Just kill Crash Bandicoot," Uka-Uka hissed.

"Right away, my master," he responded, headed out.

Uka-Uka watched him go, slightly smirking. Even if Crash Bandicoot did win, it was already too late...


Phoenix stepped into a room with stained glass windows, giving the room almost a church like setting. The light coming in from the stained glass windows made the room glow almost as there was a circle of light in the middle of the room. Crash and his team entered in from the other side, seeing the masked villain.

"Crash Bandicoot," Phoenix commented, in a low tone, "I am so glad you came."

"I bet you are, you monster," Crash snarled.

"Such harsh words," Phoenix replied, entering the circle of light, "Let's see you step it up."

"Oh, I'll step it up alright," Crash responded, also entering the circle of light.

Nina wanted to join but Pinstripe kept her on the sidelines. This battle was Crash's alone, no matter what anyone did. Phoenix stood at the ready, striking a fighting pose. Crash did the same. The air was thick with intensity. Phoenix tightened his fist as Crash did the same. Phoenix went straight for Crash, his punch striking the bandicoot. Crash was slightly startled but managed to quickly recover as he came around with a roundhouse kick. Phoenix was pushed back by the blow and managed to recover. He grabbed a pole near-by and twirled it around above his head like a pro.

Crash tried to go and kick Phoenix but the masked villain blocked it with his pole, forcing Crash down to the ground. 'He's strong,' Crash thought, 'Really strong.' Phoenix walked over to the fallen bandicoot but Crash quickly sprinted to his feet, kneeing Phoenix in the stomach. The masked villain responded by hitting Crash with his pole. Crash felt the impact mostly in his chest area but he was alright mostly. Crash cartwheeled over to Phoenix, trying to keep moving as much as he could. Phoenix quickly moved, although it was a fraction of a second too late.

Phoenix grabbed Crash's left leg and put a knife into the fur. Crash screamed out of horror and John was about to run out to help. Pinstripe stopped him as he shook his head. This fight was Crash's alone. Crash used his right leg to balance on, though it was weird only balancing on one leg. Phoenix smirked.

"Not doing too hot are you," Phoenix teased.

Crash snarled as he punched the masked villain in the stomach. Phoenix was pushed back as Crash managed to draw some of Phoenix's blood. Nina was surprised by this but kept her distance. As much as she wanted to help, she knew that she would be easily outmatch again. She snarled a bit but allowed Crash to fight. Crash, meanwhile, was keeping his own distance. Phoenix yawned from boredom, not slowing down that much do to the stomach pain. Phoenix got out a bow and arrow. Crash paled. With his injured leg, he couldn't escape it.

"Shit," Crash swore, rolling onto his belly as the arrow flew through the air and hit the wall.

"Damn it," Phoenix swore as Crash kept rolling on his belly.

Crash rolled over to Phoenix, bringing his right leg around - trying to sweep the masked villain off of his feet. Phoenix quickly reacted as he did a back flip and a cartwheel in the air, getting away from Crash and throwing down some poison darts. Crash quickly rolled on his belly, sticking with that strategy for as long as he could.

John stated, "Crash has got to do something before he loses this fight!"

Nina replied, "Ordinary I would agree with you but he needs to study Phoenix's moves before he can really do anything."

Pinstripe added, "And Phoenix seems to know Crash's every move before he does it. So basically, Crash is the one fighting blind."

Speaking of Crash, he knew that he had to do something. He had to do something very out of the box for him. He remembered that move that he wanted to do during the Evil Twins attack but never had the chance. He knew he had to try it. He had to do something before he lost his other leg...or worse. Crash made a fist and started to power it up, hoping that it would be enough to stop Phoenix. Getting off his belly, Crash started to head towards Phoenix, running with a VERY bad limp. Phoenix could've moved but Crash had connected his fist to Phoenix's mask.


Crash's POV

I couldn't believe that worked! That punch worked! I should've done that during the Evil Twins attack. That would've been so... That's when I saw I had punched Phoenix's mask off. The mask was at my feet and I was more than anxious to see who Phoenix truly was. I looked up...and paled. couldn't be... It was impossible! I saw him...I saw him die...! Standing there, in Phoenix's clothes...was my best friend...Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex...

I blurted out, "What the hell?! Cortex?! You're alive?!"

That's when he said something that I didn't see coming.

He asked, "I. AM. NOT. CORTEX. I. AM. PHOENIX!"

W-what? Before I could ask another question, my best friend, a person I never thought would hurt me or anyone else for that matter...stabbed me in my right leg...


Wishmaker1028: I've got nothing else to say but... Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Uprising PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora