Chapter 11

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Uka-Uka's POV

I floated around the island after the explosion. I had protected Cortex and Salamence from the explosion but the failing debris was too heavy and made me drop his shield. So, I didn't know what happened Cortex and Salamence. Honestly, I really didn't care what happened to them but I did want to use Cortex and Salamence one more time. So, when I found Cortex and Salamence - looking alive and confused - I knew that they had gotten amnesia. That's when I had an evil idea. Why not make them super evil to the point where no one trusted them ever again, even if they did find out.

"Phoenix," I said.

Cortex turned around as he saw me floating there. I saw Cortex step back in confusion as he studied me. I could sense Cortex was scared and a bit confused. This was going to be really fun.

"Are you addressing me," Cortex asked, confused.

"You don't remember me," I pretended questioned.

"Afraid not," Cortex answered, truthfully.

"Well," I explained, trying to choke on the niceness that he gave me, "Your name is Phoenix and you work for me. My name is Uka-Uka, the evil mask that wants to control all. But..."

"But," Cortex asked, wanting me to continue.

I could sense that he liked where this was going. I smirked evilly without him knowing. It was going to be rather fun making Cortex into my mold of evil clay.

I answered, "But there is a problem. Named Crash Bandicoot. And I usually don't come to you unless I hit a snag, since you are a bounty hunter. And I have hit a recent snag. Dr. Neo Cortex is dead. And I need someone to take his place and lead us to victory."

I saw Cortex thinking it over. I waited patiently as I saw the ashes that were around him. That's where I got his made up name. From the ashes of Phoenix we will rise. I knew that phrase well. That's when I saw Salamence smirk. I had to admit, having a Dragon/Flying type on our side would tip the odds in our favor.

Finally; Cortex stated, "I'll agree on a few conditions. One: Salamence comes with me. Two: I get trained to wipe off this Crash Bandicoot off the face of the planet. Three: Not one of my lackeys stands in my way or we'll have a problem."

I smiled evilly at this as I replied, "Done."

-End of Flashback-


Uka-Uka was watching what was happening and was pleased on everyone's reaction to what they saw. Crash fell down to the ground, his legs severally hurt. Pinstripe, Nina, and John were all in shock at the sight. Phoenix...was Cortex - alive and well. Everyone was in shock and awe...especially Nina. Finally, it was Pinstripe that spoke.

"What is happening," Pinstripe finally asked.

"How can this be happening," John questioned.

"I d-don't know," Nina answered.

Crash could barely even move his legs as he asked, "W-why Cortex...? I'm y-your best friend!"

Cortex looked at Crash, rather coldly and answered, "I don't have a best friend."

With that, he took out a gun as he pointed it at Crash. Crash paled. Was it over? Was everything that they had been through...over? What happened to Cortex? Before the gun could fire, a Thunderbolt stopped it. Crash looked as he saw John running into the fight.

Crash struggled, "J-John... N-no..."

John stated, "Sorry, we're not having you die. We need you, Crash Bandicoot."

Cortex brought out a poke ball as he threw it, making Salamence appear. The Dragon/Flying type roared, ready for battle.

He commanded, "Salamence, take care of this electric type. Earthquake, now!"

Salamence hit its feet on the ground, making it shake. John stumbled as Crash managed to get to a poke ball. He managed to barely throw it as Sceptile popped out.

"Sceptile," said the Forest Pokémon.

Crash weakly commanded, "Sceptile...Leaf Blade!"

Sceptile ran towards Salamence, its arm glowing a green color. Cortex saw this and knew that he had to react fast.

Cortex yelled, "Salamence, Flamethrower!"

Salamence fired its strong flame at the pure Grass type. This time, it was Pinstripe that reacted. He threw a poke ball and a Simipour appeared.

He commanded, "Scald, Simipour!"

"Simi," said the Geyser Pokémon.

The hot stream of water hit Flamethrower, stopping the attack and creating steam so Salamence couldn't see. Sceptile came out of the steam, landing the direct hit on Salamence. Salamence roared, snarling a bit. 'Salamence is acting like it never saw our Pokémon before,' Crash thought, 'What is happening?'

Cortex commanded, "Salamence, Dragon Pulse!"

Salamence fired the dragon type move at the Electric type, the Grass type, and the Water type. The three Pokémon quickly dodged it.

Pinstripe countered, "Ice Beam!"

Simipour opened its mouth as it fired the chilling beam at the Dragon/Flying type.

Crash commanded, "John, Volt Tackle! Sceptile, Leaf Storm!"

John started to charge at Salamence, electricity crackling all over his body. Sceptile fired the grass type move as the attacks seemed to have fused together to make a super attack. Uka-Uka moved his voodoo bones as he teleported Salamence and Cortex out of there.

John asked, "Where'd they go?"

Pinstripe answered, "I don't know..." He ran over to Crash and asked, "Dude, are you okay?"

Crash struggled to get up as he answered, "N - no. My best friend is alive and well and he virtually betrayed us all. I'm just peachy."

Nina stated, shakily, "I can't be true... It just can't be..."

The Pokémon seemed rather surprised as there was another air of awkward silence. They had NO idea what just happened.


Cortex protested to Uka-Uka, "My master, I had them!"

Uka-Uka stated, "Never mind that now. Just keep Aku-Aku locked up good and tight. Without him, we're powerless and no longer have the world!"

With that, Cortex crossed his left arm across his chest and went - Salamence behind him.


Wishmaker1028: Well, there you have it guys! Phoenix was an amnesiac Cortex! Oh the fun I had bottling that up! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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