Chapter 8

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About five hours after the mutant armies stormed every part of the world, according to the plan of Uka-Uka, the world had given up to Uka-Uka and Phoenix. Every point of the world was scared of the duo. They never knew where they came from or who they were. All the world knew was...they were powerful and scary. Crash looked out of the hiding place that he and his friends were.

Crash commented, "We have to go out there, we've been here for almost 2 days!"

Coco stated, "Granted but we're not ready to face Phoenix!"

Crash snarled but then looked at N. Gin, who was still hurt from his battle with Salamence and Phoenix. Nina hadn't left his side, looking terrible. There was no chance she would be tag teaming with him.

"I'll go," said a voice.

Crash looked and saw John at his feet.

He asked, "You will?"

John answered, "They have my brother, Crash. He's my best friend...and I will do anything to save him."

Crash reflected on that word 'best friend'. He certainly hadn't been one as of late, especially after his best friend died in a firey inferno. Nina was thinking the same thing, but in a different perspective. She had been a terrible niece to her own uncle that she hated herself for it...



After kidnapping Coco and stealing mojo from the temple, Cortex was back at his castle, playing the piano. Tiny and N. Gin were with him, listening to him play.

Uka-Uka floated in and stated, yelling a bit, "That was ridiculous and applauding. You failed to destroy Crash Bandicoot."

Cortex stopped playing the piano and turned to Uka-Uka as he defended, "I don't see what the big deal is. We got away with the mojo and Crash's sister."

While he was saying this, N. Gin gave Cortex a cup of tea.

Uka-Uka corrected, "I got away with the mojo. And the big deal is that Crash Bandicoot is still alive. Cortex, I'm going to replace you."

Upon hearing this, Cortex's eyes widen as he spit his tea in N. Gin's face.

N. Gin screamed, covering his rocket eye, "Thank you, master!"

N. Gin wiped himself off as Cortex told Uka-Uka, "You can't replace me! My name is on the stationery!"

With that, Cortex pulled out a piece of paper to show Uka-Uka, which he did.

N. Gin laughed a bit and said, "Yeah, that's right tough guy! If you want to buy a new stationery, you respect the master!"

Tiny added with his arms folded across his chest, "It's a really nice stationery too."

N. Gin gasped and stated, "Oh, I know! Glossy!"

Uka-Uka stated to Cortex, "Cortex, you've never been more wrong."

Thinking that Uka-Uka was complimenting him, Cortex bowed.

"Uh, thank you," he said. That's when he realized and asked, "What?! What do you mean?"

As he asked that, he threw the cup of tea into N. Gin's face.

N. Gin laughed a bit and said, "Thank you again, master...hotter than the first!"

With that, N. Gin gave two thumbs up to Cortex.

Uka-Uka announced, "Allow me to introduce to you, your replacement: Nina Cortex!"

With that, Nina entered the room with her mutants. Cortex was so shocked by this so much that he spit into N. Gin's face again.

N. Gin complained, "Oh come on! He didn't even have a cup!"

Nina told her mutants, "Take out the trash, girls!"

The mutants did as they were told and in an instant, Cortex was tied up and hanging upside down.

-End of Flashback-


'I called him trash,' she thought, as tears came to her icy blue eyes, 'I called my only family trash and now...he's gone forever...' At that moment, Nina did care who was listening or who saw her. All she cared about was crying her eyes out and tearing things apart. She banged on the cave wall as a crack appeared in it. She whined as she beat the wall with her metal hands, tears hitting the cavern floor. Coco went over to the young girl and placed her hand on Nina's shoulder, tenderly. Nina didn't bother turning around.

"I'm sorry," Coco finally said, after an awkward moment of silence.

"H-he wasn't like you thought he was," Nina cried, her head on the cavern wall.

Coco stated, "I know. Crash told us the whole story."

Nina sniffled as she replied, "I know I should have done a lot of things when I learned the truth but I wanted a shot. Just a shot. And it turned out to be the worse shot ever...and it killed the best man I've ever known..."

Coco responded, "He was a good man. And even though I never saw that side of your uncle, I know that side of him will be shine in heaven above."

Nina wiped her eyes as she turned to Coco and said, "T-thank you."

Coco was a bit taken back that Nina had said that but replied nonetheless with, "You're welcome."

John finally spoke up and stated, "I think we should go find where Phoenix's base is. Thing is, we don't know where it is."

Nina perked up at this and responded, "I do. It's in Castle Cortex."

Crash whispered, mostly to himself, "Of course it is."

John asked Nina, "Are you coming then?"

Nina answered, "To take down Phoenix for N. Gin, count me in."

Crash stated, "Then take the lead."

The niece of Cortex nodded as she took the lead into the caves that led underneath the island and to the castle.


Meanwhile, Uka-Uka was looking at his powerless brother. He had to admit, seeing his brother like this was just so satisfying...

"Believe it or not, brother, I finally won," Uka-Uka said, rather coldly.


Wishmaker1028: Did you win, Uka-Uka? ...well, not just yet, I say! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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