Chapter 3

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...where am I? What happened...? Everything was just a blank for me. I sat up and saw something in my hand. It looked like white sand. Was I on a beach or something? I slowly got up, my head pounding like crazy. I put my hand to my head and then looked at my hand. I saw I was wearing dark red gloves and there was a substance on them. I licked it slowly. was blood. Mine, possibly. But who was I? What had happened? I had so many questions but no answers. I heard a low pitched roar and turned on my heel. Right there next to me...was a Salamence, looking as lost as I did. Was this my Salamence? Was it a wild one?

I looked over Salamence and it did the same to me. There was some sort of connection there between us. I couldn't explain it but I just knew it belonged to me. I got a good look at it and saw it was severally hurt, like me. Did something happen to us? And if so...what happened?

"Phoenix," said a voice.

I turned around as I saw a magical mask floating there. I stepped back as I studied it. It was shaped in a large rectangle with its "skin" was of a black color, a large brownish beard, its nose was small and rectangular, and having three bones; one was tied to its forehead, and two were dangling on ropes from both sides of himself. Another notable feature was the yellow stripe located on his forehead. I was scared and a bit confused. Was he addressing me?

"Are you addressing me," I asked, confused.

Granted, I could've questioned why a magical mask was approaching me but that could always wait.

"You don't remember me," the mask questioned, though it seemed like more of a statement.

"Afraid not," I answered, truthfully.

"Well," the mask explained, "Your name is Phoenix and you work for me. My name is Uka-Uka, the evil mask that wants to control all. But..."

"But," I asked, wanting him to continue.

For some reason, I liked where this was going.

Uka-Uka answered, "But there is a problem. Named Crash Bandicoot. And I usually don't come to you unless I hit a snag, since you are a bounty hunter. And I have hit a recent snag. Dr. Neo Cortex is dead. And I need someone to take his place and lead us to victory."

I thought it over. It sounded perfect to me. Leading troops to victory and taking over things. Just what I wanted. Salamence seemed to have smirked. I perked up. This Dragon/Flying type seemed to have liked this offer.

I stated, "I'll agree on a few conditions. One: Salamence comes with me. Two: I get trained to wipe off this Crash Bandicoot off the face of the planet. Three: Not one of my lackeys stands in my way or we'll have a problem."

Uka-Uka smiled evilly at this as he replied, "Done."

I smirked evilly now myself. I rather liked what was thrown at my lap.


A few weeks later, Salamence and I were at the top of our game. I felt stronger and I knew Salamence did too. Uka-Uka provided me with a dark red hoodie with a fire emblem sown on the right hand side, dark blue pants, black shoes, wearing a metal mask, and a gray long hat. It all felt right. After our long training, Uka-Uka brought us to a castle.

Uka-Uka stated, "I apologize that we haven't redecorated it yet."

I replied, "It's alright, Uka-Uka. It looks fine."

He opened the door and there, in a room, were a few people. The first one had stocky black hair, had a rocket in his head, black eyes, wearing a white lab coat with yellow buttons on it, black gloves with a yellow stripe in them, black pants, and black shoes.

Uka-Uka commented, "This is N. Gin, a rocket scientist."

I stated, offering my hand, "Evilly pleased to meet you."

N. Gin barely looked at me as I saw the tears in his eyes before he spat on my mask. I wiped it off, a bit disgusted. 'I'll deal with him later,' I thought. Uka-Uka brought me over to the next person, or in this case, mutant. He looked like a genetically enhanced combination between a dingo and a crocodile. He had a crocodile's body and tail, and characteristics of a dingo. He was wearing blue jeans and had a fire tank on his back.

Uka-Uka told me, "This is Dingodile, one of the mutants that was created by Cortex."

I said, simply, "Hello."

Dingodile stated, in an Australian accent, "Hey, welcome aboard."

'At least I got one minion on my side so far,' I thought. Uka-Uka brought me over to the next person. He was slightly taller than me but had bolts in his neck, a long rectangle head, wearing a silver lab coat, silver pants, silver gloves, and silver boots. He seemed like he was holding a beaker.

Uka-Uka stated, "This is Nitrous Brio, chemist."

I replied, "Greetings."

N. Brio responded, "Well, what a change to have someone new after all of this time."

'Kiss up,' I thought, rolling my eyes. Uka-Uka brought me over to the next person. It was another mutant. It was a Tasmanian tiger. He was an orange, muscular creature with sharp fangs and pointed claws. He was wearing spiked shoulder pads, metal bracelets, a green leopard-spotted loincloth, and red sneakers.

Uka-Uka told me, "This is Tiny Tiger, another mutant created by Cortex."

I said, "Hi there."

Tiny grunted, "Tiny says hello."

'The minion that talks in the third person,' I thought, 'Classic.' Finally, Uka-Uka brought me to the last person. It was a girl. She had partially spiked black hair, light-blue skin, prominent buck teeth and a metallic lowercase 'N' on her head. Her most distinguishing features were her spring-loaded steel bionic hands. She was wearing a black dress shirt with short sleeves, a red tie, a blue, pleated miniskirt, and black tanker boots.

Uka-Uka stated, "Lastly, this Nina Cortex, niece of Cortex."

She looked at me with her icy blue eyes and her arms crossed in front of her chest. I wasn't afraid of her but she was intimidating.

I said, "Hello Nina."

Nina asked, "So, you are that bounty hunter that Uka-Uka told us about? How come I haven't heard of you until recently?"

I answered, "I travel the islands and I live with just my Salamence as my protection. But since Uka-Uka has called me in, I want to prove my strength to you all."

Nina stated, "Listen, you jerk. You might have the strength and the skills but you don't have my respect. You are not my uncle."

With that, she and N. Gin left in a huff. 'Looks like I have to deal with them later,' I thought, rather darkly.


Wishmaker1028: Well guys, there we have it. What will happen next? Find out in the next chapter! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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