Chapter 5

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Normal POV

Early the next morning, Coco was already up and at them. However, the sight she had woken up to was NOT a pretty one. She looked outside and saw a BIG fire just right outside in the jungle.

She yelled, "Guys! Forest fire!"

Crunch, Crash, and Aku-Aku woke up quickly. Coco headed out to investigate with Crunch. Aku-Aku headed out as well. Crash was about to follow when he saw some tracks.

"Tracks?" He wondered out aloud, following them carefully.


Meanwhile, Coco had just stumbled upon several dead mutants. She gagged at some of their conditions that they were left in. Crunch looked at their fellow 'brothern' in despair.

Crunch breathed, "Who could've done this?"

"Well, look at what the bandicoot dragged in."

Coco and Crunch looked as they saw N. Brio and Dingodile.

Coco asked, "N. Brio?! With Dingodile?!"

Crunch huffed, "What are you two doing here?"

Dingodile stated, "Sorry mates. But we ain't gonna deal with this shit anymore."

With that, Dingodile brought out his flamethrower and made a circle around the two heroes. Crunch was about to escape by using one of his Pokemon, until a fire mutant took him and Coco into their tight grasp.

Coco struggled as she protested, "Hey! Let us go!"

Crunch stated, "You're in big trouble once I get out of here!"

N. Brio replied, "Mutant 419, knock them out."

The fire mutant did just that, knocking the them out cold.

Dingodile responded, "Ooh, I'm liking that."


Back at the house, Tiny had arrived with a whole bunch of mutants.

Tiny commented, "Tiny says this will be easy!"

"That's what you think!" A familiar voice said, as a Thunderbolt coming out of nowhere.

Tiny dodged it but one of the mutants got shocked. Tiny growled as he saw two Pichu running over. One had messy hair while the other had straight hair. It was John and Pete, respectfully.

Tiny looked confused as he questioned, "Hey, when did you two get back?"

John answered, "We aren't gonna tell."

Pete added, "But we are gonna have some fun with this!"

Tiny snarled as the mutants surrounded the two Pichu brothers.

John looked at Pete and said, "Looks like this island ain't big enough for these many mutants."

Pete replied, "Then let's take care of that problem."

With that, John and Pete started to fight. As they did, Tiny got a wicked idea. (First time he had one of those.)


Meanwhile, Crash had got to the bay. Crash twitched involuntary, from all of the memories that he had from the Twin Sanity incident...


-Flashback: 'Crash Twin Sanity: One and a Half'-

Crash finally arrived at the bay with John and Pete, who had trailed behind. Crash saw them out of the corner of his eye as he turns to them.

The south Australian bandicoot questioned, "You two followed me?"

John answered, rolling his eyes, "Well, duh."

Pete added, pointing to Cortex, "That's not Coco!"

Before Crash could say anything, "Coco" started to laugh evil like. "She" reaches for her "hair".

They heard Cortex say, "Your friends are very smart, Crash." With that, he takes off the Coco costume and revealed that he was indeed Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex. He added, sing song like, "I'm back!"

Crash stated, a bit surprised, "Dr. Neo Cortex, my arch foe."

Cortex responded, "The one and only. Let us battle!"

Crash asked, "To what?"

John answered, jokingly, "Of course to his tutorial."

Pete added, "Well, that is essential."

Cortex started off, "Surprised to see me, Crash? Like the fleas in your fur, I keep coming back."

John stated, disgusted, "Too much info."

Pete added, also disgusted, "Don't want to know."

Crash told the evil scientist, "I don't have fleas."

Cortex rolled his eyes as he added, dramatizing, "Three years I spent alone in the frozen Antarctic waste. And I've missed you."

Crash was the one to roll his eyes this time and commented, "Yeah right."

John added, "He'll believe that."

Pete told him, "Yeah, when pigs fly."

Cortex looks annoyed but continued, "And so, I've planned a little gathering. Like a birthday party only...the exact opposite." John and Pete gasped as Crash just rolls his eyes again. Cortex finished, "And look, all of your friends are here." He gestures over to the side. Crash saw all of the villains and Crunch, holding a cake on the side. Cortex told Crash, "You are so very popular. Let's start handing out the presents."

-End of Flashback-


Crash shed a tear as he remembered his fallen best friend. He wiped his eyes, looking down at the ground.

He muttered, "The trail ends here of all places... But why...? What does it mean...?"

Just then; Crash heard an evil chuckle as the door to the stadium closed on them and spiked were placed near his feet. That's when he saw Phoenix standing on an upper balcony, the same place where Cortex stood two years ago.

"It means that you feel right into my trap," Phoenix answered, looking at Crash.

Crash breathed, "Who are you?"

Phoenix jumped down from the upper balcony and stood right in front of Crash. He kicked the evolved south Australian bandicoot right into the wall of the stadium, who had smashed into the wall. Crash snarled, quickly pulling himself off of the wall. Crash went charging at Phoenix. Phoenix stepped out of the way as he managed to strike Crash with strong arm chops. This really threw the island hero for a loop. Just who was this person?


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's it for this chapter for now. Yes, I have deleted the original characters that were given to me in this edit. Mainly because I couldn't keep them straight in my head. Anyways, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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