The Report

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        "You call this a report! Even I can write a better report then... then.. 5 sentences. You spent 5 days alone with Todd. What happened?" Sheppard dropped the pad on the table and leaned on his desk. A crossed from him sat Kayna who glared back at him with equal fearlessness.

         "I don't know what you want me to say, Colonel. I spent 5 days in the dark with a Wraith. We talked. He told me about worlds he has seen and I tended his wound's. Eventually, I got too weak to wake up and I woke up here, there is nothing else to it." Kayna stood up to meet Shepard's eyes on an equal plane.

         "What did you talk about?" Shepard questioned.

          "Worlds within worlds and crystal maintains. Getting that out of him was not easy, he is not exactly the most talkative soul. Most of it was grunting and groaning at me tending his wounds. Neither of us was exactly happy about the...closeness of the situation. After five days of that, I was glad to see him go." Kayna swallowed hard, she hoped Shepard couldn't see through her. Her very soul ached, she was cold and the doc had given her a full bill of health; so she was certain Guide was the cause.

          "This is gonna come back to haunt me, it always does. You can't trust him." Shepard grumbled.

            "I never said I did. But tell me colonel did you put everything in your report?" Kayna looked at him with an inquisitive look and Shepard finally gave in.

             "Yeah, well. It doesn't mean it's not gonna bite me in the ass later." Shepard said as he sat down.

             "If me spending 5 days in a dark hole with a Wraith, comes back to bite you in the ass, Colonel. I'll take full responsibility for it. But I'm really not sure how..." Kayna's words trailed off when Colonel Shepard expression turned cold.

             "It always comes back. Todd always comes back and we always save his ass." he took a long sigh as he stared at the female before him. "I don't wanna hear any more about it. Dismissed."

              "Permission to speak freely sir." Kayna stopped and turned back to Shepard. "Colonel. If you are really that concerned. If you can't trust me when I say he did nothing but honor me." Kayna reached to her pocket and recovered a small document pad. "I wrote your full report. Word for word, everything I could remember." she placed the pad on the table between them."If what happened in the darkness can somehow affect the safety of this city. My own personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant. I don't think I need to tell you if we talked about whether the sky was blue or the color of my underwear was green. We survived an event, that there is no possible way we should have, does anything else really matter?"

             "Todd is a master at manipulation." Shepard looked at her with a sigh.

              "I am well aware of that, sir." Kayna was starring at the pad on the table. Shepard reached out for it and she came to attention.

                "I'm gonna keep this." he said as he picked it up. "If I ever hear anything about this again. This is the first place I'm gonna look for answers." Shepard opened a desk drawer and dropped the pad inside. "Until then... I don't need to know." he nodded to Kayna.


          "Go, before I change my mind." Shepard pointed to the door and Kayna turned to leave. Just as she reached the door she heard him mumble in the back ground. "I'm still gonna regret this." Shepard groaned and the door closed behind her.

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