Day Three

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       It was that feeling again, she felt warm and safe. The feel of his claws against the back of her hand and arm seduced her as she lay there next to him. After a groan managed to get past her she finally spoke.

      "You have gotta stop waking me up like that." this time the Wraith pulled away. She didn't think about what she said, she was still a bit groggy, it just slipped out. "Guide?" she was rubbing her eyes when she heard him hiss. It was unlike any sound he had made so far and this Wraith was apparently quite boisterous.

      "What did you call me?" the wraith was almost angry, his grip on her tightened. It wasn't until that moment she realized something was wrong.

       "I...what.. how do I know your name?" she sat up as much as the room would allow and looked at him confused. He stared back at her for several minutes before finally, he took a deep breath.

         "Your r-e-s-t. Haunts you, K-a-y-n-a." he growled. She stared at him, guess it was fair if she knew his name by some miracle. She thought about what he said and after a few minutes, it finally clicked. Oh shit, she thought.

        "Night terror's," she said quietly. "I haven't slept near anyone in years. I didn't know I was still...i..." her words trailed off as did her focus. "I didn't really mind your nick name for me, it's why I never bothered telling you my name. Guess I must have in my sleep." she looked at the Wraith who was growling subtly under his breath. "It doesn't explain how I know yours?" he didn't look like he was gonna answer her anytime soon. "You haven't been able to rest then have you?"

       "You respond well to my touch." he finally responded. She just gripped him tighter when he spoke, she really didn't know how to respond to that. She enjoyed his caress, yes, but he was a Wraith and this wouldn't last. She would be a fool to think anything else. It was likely he was trying to manipulate the situation even now. Neither of them spoke for several hours until Kayna finally placed her head upright on the Wraiths shoulder.

        "Lieutenant Kayna Neric. You can call me little Human, it's kinda grown on me." she placed her hands on his shoulder and stared at him waiting for a response. Eventually, the Wraith gave in.

        "Wraith, do not share their names." he said with a scowl.

        "Rule two, what are you not telling me?" she could tell he was avoiding something but wasn't sure what exactly. She already seemed to know his name but he wasn't telling her how, and it was quickly becoming irritating.

        "It is not possible." he scowled at her. It was one of his famous lines. Whenever he didn't agree with something 'impossible' always come out. This was her first one on one with this wraith but she had read all his files. She knew he was known for being self-centered but Honorable. She could respect that, but this behavior was more akin to a tantrum.

          "This is because I called you Guide?" she said as he scowled back. "Since you're not talking, guess I will. I don't know, how, I know your name, I just... it just seemed right. If you would prefer I can stick with Todd?"

          "I do not." he answered all while he managed to avoid looking directly at her.

         "You are utterly confusing." she said with a huff.

         The silence surrounded them both for what seemed like hours, there was little to do other than cling to one another and wait in the darkness.

         "Whatever I did, I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was piss off the only friend I have right now." her words broke the silence. She could hear the wraith hiss a few times before responding.

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