Day Two

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               As Kayna's mind began to wake it was filled with some of the strangest feeling's, warmth, safety, comfort. There was something utterly soothing wrapped around her like a blanket, gently caressing her. She allowed herself to indulge in the moment only until she remembered what happened right before she passed out. It felt like hours before a rational thought came to her mind. She had just let a wraith feed on her and that warm fuzzy feeling was probably him. She took a deep breath but didn't open her eye's, part of her didn't wanna know the truth, the other part found herself enjoying his touch. He was caressing her neck gently, between her ear and her shoulder, no one had ever touched her like that before, it was mesmerizing. She focused on the steady sound of his heartbeat, but the unevenness of his breathing gave him away. Several times he had held his breath as if to say something and then stopped allowing nothing but low toned rumble to escape him. They laid like that for what felt like the better part of the day. Until eventually her grip on him tightened and finally, the silence was broken.

         "You will heal?" she whispered. The Wraith took a long sigh before answering.

         "Y-y-y-y-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s" he drew the letters of his answer out and allowed the tones of his voice to play with her ear's. She took several deep breaths, and thought about how he was toying with her, she was not about to let that happen. With another deep breath, she tried to sit up, only to find herself very dizzy and she fell right back into the wraiths chest. She gripped onto him to stop the room from spinning and he held her in return, after a few moments he finally told her.

          "You should rest as much as possible, Little Human. Normally you would require food of your own to recover from..." his words trailed off as she tried to regain some kind of stability even while she leaned against him.

            He braced her arms as she slowly lifted her head this time, she blinked a lot as her eyes finally came into focus, it was dark, he must have turned off the flashlights. She groaned then rubbed her eyes and head, she couldn't see anything in the darkness.

            "I don't know what to complain about first." she grumbled and the Wraith answered with a growl. After a long sigh, she finally continued. "So I'm little now? Not just Human but little too?" before she could continue the wraith let out a laugh, the first one she had heard since this whole thing began, progress she thought; at least if he likes me he won't kill me. She smiled into the darkness.

            "And the other?" the tones of his voice were almost playful, he must be feeling better.

           "I'm guessing you can see in the dark but I can't. Tell me we still have light."

            "There is no sign of anyone coming, I thought it best to conserve what light we did have." the tones of his voice lead into a small click and a sudden yell from Kayna.

            "Warn me first next time, will you!" even with her eyes closed she was able to connect with a small slap on his shoulder followed by a sudden growl from the Wraith. "Well that hurt." she spit out just before finally getting her eyes open. He was staring directly at her almost could have killed her with that look and she stared back at him.

        "What?" she eventually asked.

        "Do not strike me again, Little Human." the wraiths voice was stern.

         "Don't piss me off again." she replayed with equal fearlessness. They stared at each other for several minutes before she finally let it go, even tho it didn't seem he would let it go so easily. "Look it seems I'm on top anyway, and there's nothing you can do about it." she grinned happily as she looked at him and she could tell it took him a minute to understand the humor in it. She could see his expressions change, unfortunately, none of them seemed amused.

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