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       Her first sensation was cold, she had not felt this cold in days. Her eyes flashed open her first and only thought >Guide? < It was bright, there was light everywhere, once she finally could open her eyes, she knew where she was. Med-bay, in Atlantis, they had been found. Her mind cried out again >Guide, Guide, Guide? < she searched for him in the vastness of the city.

        >here, here, here < she could feel him, distant but there. She took a deep breath and heard the doctor in the back ground.

        "We thought we had lost you." Kayna opened her eyes to see doctor Keller starring back at her with a smile.

         "So did I." she said quietly her throat a bit dry. Keller reached over and handed her a glass of water.

          "So what do you remember?" the doctor asked.

         "What happened? It was like the whole ship collapsed." Kayna answered after taking a sip. The doctor took a seat next to her bed and a deep breath.

         "We still don't know what caused the explosion that collapsed that section of the ship but..." the doctor kinda let her focus trail off while looking at the screens.

        "But?" Kayna questioned.

        "... no one else in that section survived. We didn't even know you were alive until 5 days later when they finally got the ship back to Atlantis. It was the Atlantis sensors that found you." the doc was still looking at the screens, Kayna could tell there was something else.

        "So what are you not saying?"Kayna asked. The Doc. let out a sigh.

         "I don't mean to be insensitive but... you were found with Todd. Not just with Todd but in his arms, with Todd. Shepard's been going nuts, especially since Todd isn't saying much." the doctor was looking inquisitively at Kayna as she sighed.

         "It is not like we had a lot of choices. I mean I couldn't even sit up in that space." Kayna looked at the doctor, who just stared back at her.

          "Well Shepard is pissed, and since all Todd says is 'you should ask your underling'. The last 2 days have been like walking on egg shells around here. I really hope you can put an end to this before someone gets shot." the Doc. went over Kayna's stats quietly until Kayna finally broke the uneasiness.

           "How many days did you say we were trapped, five?" Kayna looked at the doctor who nodded in agreement. "how many days can a human go without water, doc?"

           "Three." the doctor answered, she was starting to figure out what Kayna was trying to say.

            "Then I should be dead. Unless something or someone saved my life?" 

             "I know where you're going with this. But I'm not sure it is gonna be enough." doctor Keller said with a sigh.

              "You checked me out right. There nothing else to talk about, you would know if... there was."

                "Well, Todd has been even more cryptic than normal and with how we found you two, Shepard has been threatening to shoot him, unless he talks. They have been at it for the last 12 hours. Neither one of them budging."

               "How long have we been here?"Kayna asked as she tried to sit up.

                "Two days. When Todd stabilized first we thought maybe he feed off you, but the scans say he gave you the gift. That's probably the only thing keeping Shepard from pulling the trigger right now."

             "He did? He must have. The math doesn't add up doc." Kayna was slowly getting to her feet.

               "Hey now, you should stay in bed." doctor Keller tried to stop Kayna from getting up.

              "I gotta end the stalemate doc. Before it blows up." Kayna was unsteady and grabbed the bed for support. Doctor Keller tried to stop her but when she realized it was not gonna work she grabbed a radio from nearby.

              "Try this." doctor Keller held the radio out and Kayna took it.

             "Colonel Shepard. This is Lieutenant Neric, please respond." the radio crackled but no answer. "Colonel Shepard. What do I need to say that will get you to lower your weapon? Colonel, please respond."

              "Channel 6." came back over the radio in Shepard's voice. After they switched channels he continued. "someone is gonna tell me everything that happened. Or I'm just gonna be done with it right now." Shepard left the channel open long enough to hear a weapon power up in the background.

               "What do you want me to say, Colonel? I just spent 5 days in a very small space with a very large wraith. Five days with no food or water." Kayna's radio crackled as it cut off.

                "A lot of people go that long without supplies, I wanna know what game Todd is up to?" Shepard's voice seemed calmer a bit. Kayna held the radio out to the doctor.

               "He will never, believe me, you have to tell him." Kayna looked at the doctor who took the radio.

             "3 days." doctor Keller said abruptly over the radio.

             "What about 3 days?" Shepard answered

            "She could only last 3 days without water before organ shut down." the doctor said with a sigh, she really didn't wanna be in the middle of this but Kayna was right Shepard wouldn't believe anyone but the doctor in medical matters.

             "What are you trying to say Doc.?" the radio cracked with Shepard's voice. Kayna took the radio back from the doctor and keyed it.

             "She is saying the only reason I'm talking to you now, is because someone saved my life. Now I'm gonna save him. Let him go, Coronal." Kayna took a deep breath and spoke into the mic again. "You know what it is like to ow him, a debt. Don't make me live with the same debt, you wouldn't live with yourself." Kayna let go of the radio. Nothing came through for several minutes until after almost an hour the broadcast came over the PA system.

           "Prepare for unscheduled off-world gate activation."

            Kayna look around the room for an easy way to get up when she saw coronal Shepard enter the room. After talking with the doctor he walked over to Kayna's bedside.

             "You sure about this? Every time we let Todd go he comes back to haunt us." Shepard said with an emotionless expression.

            "I told him if we both survived that hell, I'd make sure you would not shoot him. We made a deal, that's all." Kayna laid back against the bed as Shepard looked her up and down.

             "Suppose you wanna say good by now?"Shepard asked.

            "I think I've had enough Todd for a life time, thanks. But if you think he needs a hug, you go right ahead and do that." Kayna had a sinister tone to her voice, but Shepard let it go.

             "You're staying in med-bay until the doc clears you. I still want your report A.S.A.P. Lieutenant." colonel Shepard didn't wait for an answer before he turned and headed out of the room.

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