Chapter 4

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Clarke POV.  

The next morning after Bellamy went out with his hunting team, I decided to go out by myself. I need to find more medicin and I really don't want him around. I rather find it myself. I don't tell anyone, I just sneak out from the camp to find all those medicins. I can do this by myself. I don't need anyone to help me with anything. Even if it can be a little easier when you have someone helping you out.

I don't really know for how long I've been walking, but it feels like hours. It's probably just been only one hour. Anyway, I'm really tired and to be honest, it would actually be pretty nice to have someone to talk to right now. Not that I'm complining or anything. It's just boring. I've finally find a waterfall. Not the one that me and Octavia were. This isn't as beautiful as the other one. But it's good enough for me to just relax for a little while.

After what feels like 20 minutes or less, I decide to start going to find those herbs. It takes a while until I find them. I take as much as I can and put them in my backpack. I can now hear a lot of birds starting to cawing and fly in my direction. What is happening? I look back from there the birds comes and I can see yellow fog. Shit! What's happening? I start to run back into the forest when I feel someone grabbing my wrist and I can feel another on hit my head. After that everything goes totally black.

Octavia POV.

I've been running came sence Bellamy and Clarke and some other guys have been out hunting. When they run camp it seems so easy. But, it's actually not. It's pretty hard sometimes. I'm using to run the camp when they are gone for a day or two. For five hours or a little more, there have been acid fog outside. We have never had it before. So it's new for all of us. Pretty many kids are going crazy, just because they don't know what it really is. It's hard to calm them down. But eventually, they gets calm. It's take some time.

Someone is yelling that we can open the doors now. So the air outside is probably clear. Good! Now, Bellamy and Clarke are probably on there they back.

Bellamy POV.

For five hours we have been inside a cave. Just to keep us safe from the acid fog that can kill you probably. Because it burns on your skin. I just hope that Octavia and Clarke are fine. Did I just cared about Clarke? Snap out of it Bellamy Blake! You don't need to care about Clarke. She is nobody. I told myself. Ugh, something is wrong with my mind.

We were almost at camp now. We have caught pretty much food so it will last for a while. Maybe two weeks. Or a little more. Hopefully a little more. We walked inside the camp now. I could see that people had started to work again. Good for them! I thought. I told the guys who carried the food to put it in the food tent. I walked to find Octavia. I need to see if she is fine. Not Clarke! I find her in her own tent.

-Hey O. I said and hugged her.

-Hey, big brother. What's up? Did you find some tasteful food? I'm really hungry for meat.

-Haha, yes we did. You can eat it tonight, when they are done with the food.

-Good. So can you tell Clarke to come in here? I haven't seen her since yesterday.

-Neigher have I. She protest and stayed here in camp today.

-No, she followed you guys. Like always. You always take her with you when you are out hunting. Why do you always want her with you on your hunting trips?

-I don't!

-Stop lying. Just tell me where she is now.

-I don't know. She told me that she should stay here. We argued about it and I gave in. Happy now O?

-Shit! She wasn't in the dropship when we closed the doors. If she wasn't with you, where the heck is she?

-I don't know where she is okay? I told you that like two seconds ago. It's not my probl... I was cut of with my thoughts "Bellamy Blake you do care about Clarke. Admit it! No no, I don't care. Yes you do"

-Earth to Bellamy Blake?

-Yeah yeah, what is it? I asked confused


-She's gone?

-Are you stupid or just a moron?

-Moron maybe?

-You have to be kidding me! What's wrong with you?

-Can acid fog kill someone?

-Yes Bellamy. I'm pretty sure about that. Why do you ask?

-She's gone. You closed the door to the dropship. She wasn't with us. Acid fog can kill you. She was probably out where. Clarke's dead.

-Clarke would never do that. Except if there were some really stupid idea. But she isn't stupid, to just go out there with out finding a shelter. You know her better than that Bellamy. Admit it that you care about her. Everybody can see it. Well, those who pay attention. Like me, and her friends and some other guys.

-Octavia, Clarke is a little stupid girl.

-Not like your whores. So no, she doesn't come close to stupid. You are a big, arrogant, selfish, jackass!

-You don't know what you are talking about. So shut up Octavia. There is no point. She is out there, dead. Should I spell it? D.E.A.D.

-Screw you Bell! You are suppose to help me going through this so that we can find her. She isn't dead. I just know it! Okay? Octavia yelled.

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