Chapter 6

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Clarke POV. 

I don't really know for how long I've been blacked out. But it feels good to be out of that cell. The person that hit me, has still chained me up. He is carrying me. But as fast as he see that I'm awake he puts me down and keep walking. He holds on the chaines so that I can't run away. I start to talk to him, well more exactly asking him a lot of questions. But all he do is ignoring them and keep going.

-I'm gonna ask you again. Who are you? What is you name? What are you doing to me? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you letting me go? And for god sake, where are you taking me? I ask him with a really harsh voice. He really makes me angry. It takes a couple off minutes before he actually starts to talk.

-First of all, I'm saving you from one of your most horrible nightmares. Second, I'm letting you go. You may wonder why. That's because I'm not a killer. And the rest of my people should have killed you if I didn't find you and let you escape. And they would have done that after a lot of tests on you. And you wouldn't enjoy it. I promise you. I know exactly what they do. Third, I'm going to leave you really soon, because nobody can see me doing this. If they do, they might kill me. And that would actually be your fault. Now, the most importent thing. If you tell anyone that I helped you escape, your life won't be long. And me and you don't want you to die. Right? You are the only healer of your people.

-Well, I can promise you not to tell the whole camp. But I need to tell my best friend, Octavia. When I said Octavia's name, he froze. That's weird.

-Didn't you said that we should keep going? I said

-Yeah. You need to keep going south if you wanna come back home to your camp. It's only two hours from here. I will leave you now. Stay alive.

After the last sentence, he just disappeard. That was really weird. But I'm so relived. I need to come up with a really good story. I hope that nobody thinks that I'm dead. But I doubt they think that I'm dead. Bellamy's probably glad that I'm gone. But I do know that Octavia and Monty knows that I'm alive. Because both of them doesn't belive anything until they got some kind of proof. I don't know what Finn are thinking. Does he belive that I'm dead or not? He was all over me at the camp. He used to be flirty with me. Sometimes it drived me crazy. But I mostly wonder what they are going to say or think when I'm coming back.

I don't know for how long I've been going. But I can feel that my legs doesn't have any strenght left. I just want to stop and take a little rest. But my head tells me to keep going. I walk for like five more minutes until I fall down in some kind of pit. Luckily, I find something really fast to grab. I don't know for how long it can keep me up. But my arms hasn't the kind of strength to hold on for much longer. I look down and can see that it's around two meters to the ground in the pit. If I let go, where is no chance that I can get up. My head tells me to hold on. But my body tells me to let go because I'm to tired to keep holding. I don't even know if someone is going to find me. Before I can think. I let go and fall down to the ground in the pit. I scream out of pain. I had hit my head. Well, now I'm pretty sure that I have no way up unless someone comes and rescue me. My whole body is done screaming for food, sleep and pain. So I just fall asleep.

Bellamy POV.
To be honest, I miss Clarke. I feel bad because the last thing we did was fighting. That's not how I wanted it all to end. For these last couple days, I've relised that I cared aboout Clarke. But I never showed it or told it. Instand I fighted with her. Why does something bad always needs to happen before I relise that I care or something else like that?

Me and some other guys are out hunting when we hear something. It sounds like something or someone fell pretty hard to the ground. Right after that I could hear someone scream.

-Bellamy! You need to see this! Atom yelled at me from a really long distance. I jog over to Atom just to check out what he found. I look down on the pit where Atom told me to look. I was shocked. The other guys came an stood beside us.

-She doesn't look dead to me. Miller said.

-Shut up and help me get her up. We need to take her back to the camp. After ten minutes, we had gotten Clarke out. She wasn't unconscious. She was just sleeping. I hope. I told the other guys to keep hunting. Me and Miller was going to take Clarke back to the camp.

You drive me crazy - Bellarkeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें