Chapter 2

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Clarke POV. 

Me and Octavia had the best day ever. Well four hours, but it feels like a whole day. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun as today. We were outside the camps gate now, both me and Octavia could hear two guys yelling at each other. I recognize both their voices. Bellamy and Atom. I promise that Bellamy right now, have some kind of eruption. I can't help but feel a little sorry for Atom. That is kinda my fault that Bellamy is angry at him. The gate open. Me and Octavia walk into the camp and everybody are staring at us. Well, this is going to be good. Actually, it's pretty fun to annoy Bellamy. Bellamy saw both of us and walked past everybody and faced me and Octavia.

-WHAT A HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN? Bellamy yells at me and Octavia.

-Take it easy Bellamy. We just decided to have a little girl time. We had pretty fun. Special because you weren't where. You didn't have to worry about us. You know, that's not like we died or anything like that. Just relax and have fun for a while. And by the way, you shouldn't be so upset with Atom. He's a good guy. A pretty nice guy. If you know what I mean. I said with a calm voice and smirked

-ARE YOU KIDDING ME CLARKE? He yells at me again.

-Maybe, maybe not. But don't blame this on Octavia or Atom. It was all my idea to getaway from camp for a little while.

-You are so so......

-What Bellamy? Don't tell me that you are angry at us. That wouldn't be fair. I said and smirked again. I enjoy this. Bellamy still seems to be lost of words.

-Since you don't have anything to say, which I suppose, me and Octavia are going to in the dropship. I will learn her some medical things or just talk. I hope that's not going to bother you. See you later.

I turned around and walked away. Octavia walked beside me and just laugh. She loves our arguments. Just because we are fighting and arguing about the most silly things. Jasper and Monty sat in the dropship talked.

-So what was that fight about? Jasper asked me and smirked

-Nothing really. Me and Octavia just walked to this amazing lake and had a little girl time. We never told Bellamy. I said and laugh

-Even if I love my big brother, he is a such big baby and a jackass. Octavia said and the four of us started to laugh.

-What are you all talking and laughing about?

-Oh, Hi Finn. Just Bellamy being a big baby. Octavia answered

-Yeah, he is pretty pissed of at me. But that's fine. I like to annoy him with our fights and arguings. This time, me and Octavia left him speechless in the crowd of the people. He didn't find any word to call me. I said and smiled.

-That sounds like Bellamy arguing. But I'm impressed you two left him like that.

-You guys know what the funniest thing is? Monty said

-No, what? Jasper asked

-You know, Bellamy can get angry at everybody when he isn't in the right mood or something like that. But it's actually only Clarke he gets pissed off at and starts arguing with.

-True. Everybody said in sync, except Clarke who just rolled her eyes.

-Shut up guys. That's not true. I said.

-Don't be so grumpy now. Octavia said

-I'm not! I snaped, but I started to laugh pretty fast.

Bellamy POV.

I really am angry at Clarke. We might be fighting over the most stupid things, but I've never really been angry at her. But she made me even more angry when she started to joke about it. I'm just protecting my little sister. But she seems to take it serious. I walk into the dropship. Clarke, Octavia and their friends are sitting there and laughing.

-Clarke, can I talk to you?

-What is it Bellamy? Are you going to punish me or what? She says and laugh. She really makes me mad. She can't take me serious when I am serious.

-No, I don't think you want that. That wouldn't be so fun for you.

-What kinda punishment is it? She says and smirk

-I won't punish you. I'm just really angry at you. But we need to talk.

-Fine! Clarke stands up. Before she follows me out of the dropship so we can talk, Octavia whisper something into her ear and Clarke starts to laugh. "Haha yeah, that would be fun. Your brother is pretty grumpy and a jackass". Clarke says to Octavia and follows me out. She looks a little annoyed.

-So what is it now? Are you still angry at me because it was my idea that me and Octavia should take a little break and getaway from camp for a little while?

-Come on Princess. I know it wasn't your idea. Octavia has tried to sneak out from the camp like ten times every day. If not more. Why did you take the blame?

-First of all, I took the blame because I know how you are. Even if Octavia would beg to get out from camp for like five minutes you wouldn't let her. Second, Octavia might be your sister. But you don't own her. So she can do "whatever the hell she want". Third, We all here in camp can do "Whatever the hell we want". Do you know why? Because it was you who told us that we could do that. Fourth, You might be in charge here. But they also listen to me. Not only you. So you can't tell me what I'm suppose to do or not do. Got it?

-You are so annoying princess.

-I wouldn't say that. I would rather say that I'm not like everybody else. I can stand up for myself. The other girls here at camp are kinda under some "Bellamy Blake spell". They do whatever the hell you say. Aren't I right?

-Fuck you Clarke!

-I actually thought that we could for once, just once, have a normal conversation. You were the one that wanted to talk.

-You're cute when you are annoying and stubborn princess. I said and turned around and walked away. At least this time we didn't yell at each other.

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