"Keep moving...." Thorin encouraged, though he felt himself weakening. Suddenly Nori in the lead stops. "Nori, why have we stopped?" He questioned as he stumbled towards the front, where there was nothing more in front of them but a deep cliff and no path.

"The path it's disappeared." Nori spoke as they all panicked slightly.

"What's going on?" Kili asked from the back.

"We've lost the path"

"Find it! All of you! Find the path!" Thorin shouted out urgently as Artemis strained her eyes trying to see the path. No luck, even though the path was in the opposite direction to which the company was going.

"I don't think we went this way. None of its familiar" Balin spoke nervous as Thorin gulped uneasy.

"Artemis!" her name was constantly echoing throughout the forest as everyone drew quiet and they watched her pale form and deathly looking face. Thorin watched her features as if life was being drained from her as a small ghostlike fiery dragon bounced towards the group.

"Sofus" the words were a strain from her lips as her knees buckled as he looked up to his mistress.

"Hurry.....the forest is weakening you.....this way....hurry...."His words were constantly echoing as he turned and slowly started running in the opposite direction, his form was beginning to fade as Artemis wobbly ran after him with the remainder of the company chasing after her. She ignored their shouts as eventually the familiar cobbled stone path was under her feet as she fell back on her knees as the others gasped and smiled.

Artemis was panting harder, sweat beading down her face as Sofus started to run towards her and get absorbed in her chest knocking her over again. Oin knelt down beside her sickly figure as her eyelids shut from exhaustion before he glanced back up at Thorin and Dwalin.

"She needs to rest" He spoke as Thorin nodded as they made camp. They were all glad that they had found the path once more as Thorin kept watching Artemis who didn't move as they set up a fire and ate. Night was worse in the forest. It then became pitch-dark - not what you call pitch-dark, but really pitch; so black that you really could see nothing. Bilbo tried flapping his hand in front of his nose, but he could not see it at all. The only thing they could see, were eyes. They all kept warm by surrounding the fire and sleeping closely as Thorin took the first watch.

In the darkness round them, sometimes pairs of yellow or red or green eyes would stare at him from a little distance, and then slowly fade and disappear and slowly shine out again in another place. And sometimes they would gleam down from the branches just above him; and that was most terrifying. But the eyes that he liked the least were horrible pale bulbous sort of eyes. "Insect eyes" he thought, "not animal eyes, only they are much too big." Thorin always felt uneasy and kept his hand on his sword.


Crunch. Snap! Crunch! Snap! Glancing at her feet she saw raw bones as her pathway as she had to cover her mouth to prevent a loud shriek of disgust. The sound of tapping, like a rock being thrown against a cave wall was echoing throughout the darkness. Slowly making her way towards the sound, light was shining. The cave grew thinner as both hands guided over the rough texture for guidance.

Soon she was walking sideways before being blinded by light. Covering her eyes and withdrawing to only hit the back of the wall, she realised the way she came was sealed off. A dark whisper followed her as her heart beat faster. The light soon dimmed as she saw where she stood. The black gates of Mordor. She went to take steps back, and with each step she took she heard the sound of marching feet, and army growing louder. Turning to run, her movement was useless as she glanced over her shoulder to see the gates opening up for her.

Her breathing grew quicker as she urged forward, only to see the dragging marks as she was being pulled backwards. The dark language grew louder as she kept shaking her head trying to get it out from her head, only to be engulfed and locked inside. Slamming her fists against the gates it did nothing, as she hesitantly turned to see the tall tower where the eye stood watching her. That sudden eye contact made her flinch and close her eyes.

Bolting up and rubbing her forehead she tried shaking the language from her head. Jumping from the feeling of a hand on her shoulder she glanced to see Thorin watching her closely.

"Are you alright?" His deep soft voice asked as she only nodded as he leant back on his sleeping mat gazing up at the blocked canopy.

"The ring! You want it! The thief has it!" Its dark voice echoed making her turn to glance at Bilbo. Shivers ran down her spine as she snapped her head and finally felt the voice leave. Her brain was still foggy from the forest but she felt a sense of peace slightly. Well as much peace as she could get in this place.

"Say nothing of this to the others.....not until we know what more. But in the mean time be careful in the forest, you know it will try and lead you astray more than the others because..." Gandalf's voice echoed in her head. She now realised what he meant. This forest was trying to drive her mad, and in which doing so would release a dangerous and dark monster.......

The Dragon's CurseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ