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I kept running the rival pack was hot on my tail my legs were aching, my chest was burning, and my claws was digging in the dirt as I ran.

I had to because my parents was murdered in front of me all I had to do was run. When they spotted me I took off luckly, I found a old hollow log I hid under the log and the wolf stopped and started to look and sniff the air

"Ugh, we lost him! I heard one of them said

"How can you lose one simple pup! Another one shouted guessing it was the leader

"Find him! He can run but, he can't hide.

I poked my head out from the log I looked at my surroundings to make sure the coast was clear I quickly ran. I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore I sniffed the air and I Immediately knew I was in another pack's territory

I passed out my vision started to fade I can see a blurry gray figure running towards me I could hear it's muffled voice but, I couldn't make out the words

I slowly felt myself being lifted up off the ground and onto someone's back. That's all I felt until I blacked out

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