Chapter 3- The Black Knight

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Athena POV...

Standing at the front of the castle, rogues were coming from every corner of the castle, wolves with their fur matted with dirt and mud sprang from numerous directions. Wolves were ripping through guards even though they were in their armour, the army of vampires stayed strong nonetheless, taking the lives of the wolves standing in front and behind them.

There were two other vampires fighting side by side and I couldn't help but realize the satisfaction on their faces with each life they took with only one blow. Numerous wolves started to surround them trying to separate them.

A low growl came from behind me, my sword rang in the air making contact with the rogue that was behind me, it fell lifeless on the ground. I kept in the confinements of the shadows, making sure that I was away from view from the soldiers that were slaying their enemies.

A cry of pain echoed off from the east side of the castle. I ran towards where it was coming from when I saw a man cornered by numerous wolves.

Their fur was matted with mud, the way how they were snapping after him, foam started to form from their mouths but that's not what caught my attention it was the man that was being cornered by them, his eyes were piercing blue, with blond hair, and as much as I would have loved to continue to take him in, I knew if I delay they would rip him to bits, especially since a next one leaped on his back.

I took a calm and cleansing breath and leap into the air with my sword angled downward, the sword pierced through his heart, collapsing right under me. I crick my neck, "So who wants some of this?"

I tightened my grip on my sword, I could tell that I wasn't the one that they wanted but the one I was protecting, there were two wolves holding their head down waiting for them to pounce on me at any second. My eyes switched between the both of them, they both lunge in the air leaving their chest vulnerable, my blade slash both their chest causing them to collapse on the ground, they morph back into their human forms, lifeless.

I turned my attention back to the vamp that was under me, I look at his wound and was surprised that they weren't healing as fast as they should. I rolled up his pants to see that whatever those wolves had coat their teeth with was causing his skin to wear away.

"You need fresh blood," I grazed his skin to feel electricity to pass through my hand, and pull back.

I held my wrist against his lips, "Come on, drink," he laid there still until his mouth opened slightly showing his teeth lengthening, his eyes barely open when his teeth sank into my flesh, my eyes open wide.

All the books I've ever read told me vampire bites were painful, but why was this one filled with pure bliss, and it was somewhat arousing at the same time. I ran my hand over my face as my arousal increased, I swallowed hard, a soft moan was released from my lips.  When he believed he had enough he pulled my hand away from his mouth, but not before licking my wound clean, and for it to heal. His wounds were barely there, but I knew his body still needed to regenerate. I tilt my head in curiosity as I brushed his skin again and felt electricity pass through my hand again.

"Why am I so drawn to you?" I ask myself, as I caress his cheek.

His eyes flutter open but before he could take me in, I heard someone calling his name, and I knew that was my cue to leave, I ran back into the darkness, but before I fully dispersed in the shadows I made sure that he was safe, as the man who had greeted me earlier, he looked around but before he could see me I disappeared from view.

I tilt my head against the wall, and look up into the darkness of the sky, before turning my head to the woods where I saw a fully grown wolf, his fur was white, with a patch of brown on his chest, and I knew who it was even though it has been years. I ran towards him, leaping and dodging every obstacle that came to my view, when I made it into the woods, the wolf was gone.

"You're supposed to be dead!" I shouted off into the darkness.

He morphs back into his human form, his body was built, his hair grown long to his waist, even though it was dark, his beautiful native olive skin glowed showing his power, his golden brown eyes pierced mine, with pure hatred.

"Wow, I'm just as happy to see you, as you are to see me," he didn't seem like how he was when we were younger, this person who was standing in front me, went through something traumatic, to make him cold and callous, he was now a stranger.

"How? How did you manage to survive the war?" I ask.

"Trust me, in due time you'll know my story."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there will be someone, that has greater plans for you?"

"Edward, you sound crazy."

"Actually, crazy will be your new norm, go back to the castle before the guards realize that you're gone." He started to walk backwards in the darkness and disappeared.

I never had enough time to indulge in our conversation, because of the guards that were searching to see if there were any more rouges roaming in their land. I sprint off into the darkness and scaled the walls of the castle and climbed into my room. I let my hair down and sat on the bed, the door slowly opens up allowing Brittney to walk in, "good you're actually alive," she sits beside me and tilts her head slowly, "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

A tear slip down my cheek, "that's because I have, I'm about to tell you something and I need you to promise me that you'd never tell anyone about this please," she takes my hand in hers and nods her head.

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