Chapter 13

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Running through the castle together we finally found him. Sitting in the middle of the room.

"Mom!" Henry shouted.

"Henry!" Regina and I shouted at the same time. he may not remember Regina but she's still his mom as much as I am.

Swiping her hand through the air, Regina made sure there were no spells surrounding Henry.

There wasn't but we knew he wouldn't be left unattended.

Just then a flying monkey flew down from above and grabbed hold of snow pinning her to the wall. then about ten more came down and pinned every one else to the walls everyone except Regina.

Then a green witch came walking around Henry.

"Hello!" she said smiling.

"Let's them go!" Regina shouted. throwing a ball of fire straight toward the wicked witches heart.

She blocked it. I was getting mad. so mad that all the flying monkeys dropped down to the ground. they were dead.

I stalked forwards toward the witch and she walked forward to meet me. I knew exactly what she would do. and I was prepared.

Her hand reached through my chest grabbing hold of my heart.

Killian and Henry along with the others screamed my name.

"I win! I will be queen, I will have the life I deserve. Not you low lives. now that I have your heart I can win." She said triumphantly.

She pulled. my heart didn't budge. she pulled again. it didn't budge.

I used my magic and she went flying back unconscious. Henry ran to me and I hugged him. Rumple walked up to the witch and turned her to dust, she was gone. Henry was safe.

RememberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon