Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

But first I have to get Henry. I got in my yellow bug and drove to Henry's school. They weren't out yet so I walked inside, this couldn't wait.

I walked right into his classroom and grabbed him.

"We have to go." I said

"Excuse me. Mrs. Swan what are you doing?" Henry's teacher Mrs. Daly said sternly to me.

"I'm picking my son up early." I turned to Henry, "come on."

He grabbed his things and smiled at me a little questioningly. We walked out and got in the bug. I passed him the book and told him to read it.

It took him about a half hour to read the book. Then he looked at me.

"Mom? What's going on?"

"That's us Henry. The girl Emma And her son, Henry. That's us. This morning at the door there was someone. It wasn't the wind. It was Hook. Henry our families in trouble! He said so but I didn't believe him because I didn't remember, but I remember now! And we have to find him! We have to find Snow and David and Regina and.. And," I was tuning out of breath because of all my rambling. "and Belle and Neal and I need to find Hook! He can help us find them and save them because there in some kind of danger and..."

"Mom!" Henry shouted at me and I realized how quick I had been talking. I was rambling on and on.

"Yea?" I said breathless

"These are just fairy tales. Odd fairy tales, yes but just fairy tales. It's a coincidence that our names are in this book."

"No, it's not a coincidence, Henry! It's not a coincidence that the pasts of the Emma and Henry from the book are our real pasts, you were born in jail because a man named Neal, Your father, sent me too jail to take the fall for him. It's not a coincidence that we look like those people or that I remember all that happening!"

"Mom! It's not real!" He doesn't believe. The thought donned on me. My son, the one who made me believe in the first place, doesn't believe now. I have to make him believe, and hopefully when I find Hook he'll help.

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