Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After walking Henry to school, I went to work at the police station after that. I had been deputy at the New York station for almost a year or two now and I loved it.

After work I went home, I still had an hour before I had to get Herny from school. So I decided to clean up the apartment. When I was cleaning the back of my closet I found something that wasn't there before.

A book. A large book of fairy tales in cased in leather binding, with the words Once Upon A Time written in gold on the front. I sat down on the edge of the bed and bagan to scim through the book.

The stories in this book were different from the originals. When I got about half way through it, it jumped to our world after the evil queens curse was inacted. It had a year, then skipped a bit again.

Finally it came to a point where a 28 year old girl was brought into the picture by the young boy the queen/mayor had adopted. It went through a lot of stuff before she broke the curse. Then she and her mother went to the enchanted forest. There was stuff about the queens mother Cora. Then the boy was kidnapped and taken to Neverland. Six people went after him, including the girl, his birth mother. There was a lot of other stuff. Then a kiss.

I recognized the pirate from the person who came to the door earlier, but I didn't think anything of it. I didn't even taken into account that the boy, Henry had been born in jail, just like my Henry. I didn't even think of the fact that the girl looked like me, and had the same name, same past, same son. I didn't even take the man named Neal into account.

I shook it of and continued reading. By the time I got to the end of the story. They were saying there goodbyes. The part that really got to me was the goodbye between, Emma and Hook. The words seemed so familiar.

'There won't be a day that goes by that I won't think of you'


Then she drove out of Storybrooke, her memories erased and her sons memories erased.

I flipped back through the pages to the kiss. I read it again, then again. There was a crack in my mind, just a slap of some sorts.

I remembered, these weren't fairy tales! These were real. And that girl named Emma was me.

The first thing I thought was 'Hook, I have to find him... And tell him I Love Him...'

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