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Nadia's POV

I was already planning my second joke to my little friend Chase... I'm so bad

Mom was organizing a little party just between friends and family at 8 pm today, celebrating the asshole's birthday... then he will have a party with his friends where all the unmated shewolfs will attend , I will go just for fun.. I'm so gonna make my new sister in law adore my jokes to her mate.

The video that was my master joke was already on the computer where people will see some of Chase's photos along the years but what they didn't know was that those photos weren't exactly the ones mom selected muahahaha...

Time went on and on , and mom made me wear a blue dress that was just above the knee and it showed all the right  curves I have. Chase was wearing a black tuxedo with a green tie and his hair was messed up, but hey girls like 'the look' . 

"Nadia, honey is time for the dinner... can you bring the cake while I check on some friends?" mom asked me, I nodded and went to the kitchen to get the cake... on the kitchen was Chase making out with a blond chick, I didn't know why but I felt a little jealous... OH God! , must be the hormones... faking a gasp I screamed

"oh my poor virgin eyes!" I said loudly , that made Chase and the chick to get away from each other

"Nadi!" Chase said treating me with a voice and a look that said..' don't do anything funny or I'll kill you´, well I knew this was his typical reaction so I just ignored him and I went to the stove to get the cake.. when I saw it I drooled... it was a chocolate with gummies and chantiyi and cherries cake.. It was my paradise.

"close that mouth you don't want flies inside it" Chase said amused while hugging the blond chick

I made a 'ummp' and I walked to the dinning room with the cake, after everybody was already inside we all started eating a delicious dinner... I had no diet today! muahahaha, after we ate the cake , should I say that I ate four pieces of it, we went to the living room where all the presents were and my little joke too muahahahaha

Chase being embarrased was a fact , some of my mom's friends have him some ´sexy' underwear for his mate, also a lot of condoms, a vibrator and all sexually involved... he was a jerk but god these women  were so pervert to give a boy for his 18th birthday that stuff... Chase just laughed with a red face... well he'll have an interesting story to tell to his mate.

The time of my joke was now!

"well I'm going to show you some pictures of the birthday boy, or should I say man... I also want to say to you Chase .... that you're the best son someone could ask for and that me and your father love you" mom said, she had some tears on her eyes.... Chase hugged her and everyone including me ´´awwwwed´ the moment .  Then dad made his speech

"well boy, you are a totally grown up now and I'm sure you'll be a great alpha, I'm proud of you son" they both hugged... dad was about to cry but he didn't do it... too much pride to lose

then it was my turn but I was not a sad person so my speech was just a little fun..

"well dear Chase, I might say you are the most arrogant, selfish, annoying and grumpy , but you are the best guy in the world and I'm proud of you douche!" I smile at the end

Chase just rolls his eyes and then he hugs me, I don't know why but I feel safe and loved in his arms.

Then Max , the dj puts the movie on and everybody laughs when the most embarrasing photos of Chase appear , chase nude as a baby , chase dressed as an unicorn , chase with cake over his face, chase doind poo , etc ... Chase's face was priceless with these photos ... he was as red as a tomato . After laughing a lot , Chase stopped being quite and became the Chasenator , well the normal Chase when we were with just friends... he tickled me until I was crying ... idiot he knows I'm ticklish.

When we went to the party people was already there , my friends and I danced until we were totally wasted... then we went to a more private room but the left me behind so I had to walk my way alone... then my wolf started houling happily but I didn't know why until someone took my hand and send sparks with the touch before turning me around and meeting Chase's green eyes... he looked at me like in shock then with love and admiration ... then with his wolf talking for him he said

"MINE!" and he crashed his lips to mine, at first I didn't know what to do.. this was my first but then I respond kissing him hardly he put his hands on my waist leaving no space between us and holding on to me like he will never let go.

He started kissing my neck sending those sparks all over me, he then looked me in the eyes

"oh, Nadi... I love you so much! " he kissed me again and I happily kissed him back, then he broke the kiss and he bit on my neck marking me as his.

He took me to the closest room and then he hugged me all night , whispering how thankful he was for having me as his mate , I was like in another world until I realised I was Chase's mate, an alpha's mate ... Chase was beautiful but he was so.. annoying and possesive ... oh god I was in serious trouble.. I hoped he will not make me his little toy 

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