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Dan and Tara were two teenage rouges when they had Nadia , they were scared about her... not only they were teenagers but being a rouge is not safe at all, they kill but they also can get killed easily , so they did the hardest decision of their life's they gave Nadia away .

On a dark when all the other rouges were sleeping Tara and Dan took the baby... they went to the White Moon Pack, both of them were scared ... they didn't want to get killed, when they knew they were safe they knock on the door of one of their friends but before the door could open a big brown wolf trapped them, they we're screwed .. the beta took them to their alpha, Dan was trying to be strong for his family ... Tara was crying and hugging the little baby ..promising nothing bad will happen to her, the alpha a huge young man with blond hair and green eyes looked at them suspiciously, not trusting the rouges on his territory .

"What are you doing in my land?" the alpha said

"Please don't hurt us, we didn't do anything bad!" Tara almost screamed while she was hugging her baby

"How old are you kids?" the alpha asked, these rouges were very young but that didn't mean they were not dangerous

"I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 17 too, we just wanted to take our daughter to a friend.. please let as go" Dan said almost stuttering , he was so young and he wanted to live... he wanted his daughter to have a good life away from the rouges

"Umm, you are both really young for a kid ,with who were you going to take the baby?" alpha asked , he was curious about this two particular rouges , they were not bad as he though .. he could see it. These were two scared young kids

"With d...doc Mario" Dan answered stuttering

"Can I see the baby?" the alpha asked Tara, at this she just hugged her baby tighter ,she didn't know what could the alpha do

"I won't hurt her " the alpha said seeing the fear in the young mother eyes

Tara took the baby slowly off her chest , she showed her to the alpha ... the baby was fully away and she watched the alpha with curiosity .. the alpha was enchanted with the little girl ... the baby had such a beautiful smile and amazing blue eyes like the sky

"What's her name?" the alpha asked making smiley faces at the baby who just giggle at the alpha's face

"Nadia" Tara said, there was no more fear in her eyes neither in Dan's . they were relieved that the alpha didn't hurt the baby

"Can we take her to doc Mario, alpha ?" Dan asked insecure

The alpha didn't know what to say ... his son had wanted a brother or sister for four months now but Allie ,his wife, couldn't have any more kids, this baby was beautiful he already loved her and he was sure she was going to be loved by his family. Even if she became  just a friend for Chase.

" Why don't you join my pack?" he asked the teens

"We can't ... they'll kill us" Dan said... that was why they didn't escape to the other packs ,they knew his 'friends' could kill them if they did , this was the best for her daughter .... he wasn't even so sure if after giving up their daughter the rouges would let them live ... but at least their daughter will.

"Umm... can I say my opinion ?" the alpha said, the rouges nodded... an alpha asked for permission that was weird

"I like your daughter, I want more kids but my wife can't have any other kids, I will like to have her at least living with me ,, not like my daughter but like a goddaughter so my son will have someone to play with. What do you think?" the alpha said

"Yes, thank you so much alpha" Tara and Dan said .

"Don't call me alpha ok , we're friends now, call me Sebastian" the alpha said

"Ok thank you, thank you" Tara gave her daughter another kiss for goodbye and then she passed the baby to the alpha

After the alpha and his wife took the baby , Dan and Tara went back to the camp place for the rouges .. but when they got there Damian ,the leader ,killed them calling them traitors for going to the White Moon pack , he didn't care about the stupid baby he was just fine without those useless teenagers .

On the White Moon Pack, the alpha and his wife took baby Nadia to their room but their 2 years old son , Chase interrupted them

"What is that?" the little boy asked pointing at the baby on his mother arms

Allie bend down and showed the baby to Chase

"Who's that?" Chase said starring at the baby

"She's going to be your little friend ... her name is Nadia and you have to protect her , okay?" Allie said to his son

"Yeah mummy , can I play with her now?" Chase asked

"Not now, she's sleeping and she's too small... you'll have too wait until she is a little bigger " she said smiling

"Ok mummy , can you read me a book?" Chase was tired but he wanted to know his new friend

"Ok , let's go and you can sleep next to Nadia and us"

After reading the book Allie and Sebastian fall sleep but they heard a tiny 'night Nadi' from their little son

That Jerk is My MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon