Chapter 13

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I don't really know if I'm going to do Ron's point of view in this book, because personally I find it difficult to portray his character... what do you guys think?

Annabeth's POV

"Hermione," I snarled. "What are you doing in my room?"

"I.. I uh..." She stuttered.

"That's what I thought. Is this how you've lived your life, Granger? Snobbing, stealing, lying, was it all for this? For a moment, I genuinely thought that we could be friends. I mean, what's to stop us? We're both really smart, love reading... I thought that I could trust you! But NO, Miss Granger's pride got the best of her, once again! She can't stand not knowing! And you know what Hermione? I was the same way for a while too! But I learned to control it! You tricked me. You tricked all of us! YOU LIED TO US! Have you ever taken into account what other people might be feeling while you're going through their personal possessions? Have you ever considered that you're not the only one who's had a hard life! I had to run away from home when I was 7 because I had an abusive step mother. I spent a whole year running from my past, and the gangs and criminals that chased and hurt me. The only thing that kept me alive were my two best friends, one of which is DEAD now! A few months ago, Percy and I LITERALLY WENT THROUGH HELL TOGETHER. I've been through TWO WARS and SEVERAL BATTLES. When our school sent us here, they said that we might need to dampen Harry's pride a bit, but they were wrong. It's YOUR'S that needs to be dampened." I paused and took a deep breath. "So, Granger. How about you think about that before you go wreck someones room again."

"But-" Hermione started, but I cut her off with a glare.

"Just.. don't talk to me right now. We can talk about it in the morning. Just go to bed." 

She just stood there.


Hermione made her way over to my desk.

"Who's this?" she asked.

"Granger." I said through gritted teeth. "Leave. Right. NOW!"

She sighed, and then left the room. I exhaled, and then sat down at my desk, determined not to fall asleep incase she tried something else. Of course, that didn't happen, and I had nightmares.

"Annabeth Chase." A voice said out of the darkness.

"Your friends are in more danger that you realize. Comply with us, or they die." 

The imaged changed to show a dark, torture chamber. Sila was screaming as Orion carved Greek letters into her arm. I couldn't quite make out what they were, but I caught a few letters such as f, o, and b. Thalia was suspended by strings above a bottomless pit.

All of a sudden the ceiling above them rattled. A loud WOOSH sound was emitted from above them.

"Curse those wretched goblins!"  A female came out of the darkness.

"Bellatrix!" Orion wailed, his knife slipping in the process. A large gash formed down the front of her arm.

"YOU JUST GAVE AWAY OUR LOCATION YOU STUPID GIRL!" He then proceeded to hit the woman.

I gasped and sat up. The first rays of sunlight were streaming through the windows.

"Annabeth?" Reyna called from outside the door.  "Are you okay?"

I took a deep, calming breath, and then said, "I know where to find Thalia and Sila."

Percy's POV

So far, all we had done with Harry and Ron was sit in an awkward silence. Nothing else.

Finally, Harry spoke up.

"Soooo.... do you guys want to do something... or..."

I just shrugged, and went back to tapping my foot on the table.

"Just go to bed then!" Ron snapped, and then left our spot by the fire.

Nico shrugged, and then headed in the direction of our old dorm. Frank and I quickly followed him. We got changed, then sat down on our beds. None of us talked, or knew what to say, so we all fell asleep relatively quickly.


I woke around 2:00 AM to hear Annabeth's muffled shouting. I quietly snuck out of bed and into the Demigod's dormitories. When I got there, her shouting had stopped, and I figured that I shouldn't waste time going back to everyone else, so I tiptoed down the boy's hallway and into my room.                                                                                                                                                                                      

I unmade the bed, laid down in it, closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep. A few minutes later, however, my door was slowly pushed open, and Hermione peaked in.

I quickly vapor traveled- a new power of mine that I had just recently discovered- behind her, and watched to see what she would do. She began pulling out drawers, throwing out the contents, examining pictures, and just snooping around in general.

I cleared my throat, and Hermione spun around.

"What are you doing in my room, Hermione?" My voice was cold and icy.

"I... I um... I was loo-" she began, but I cut her off.

"Save it Hermione. I know that you were already snooping in Annabeth's room." I bluffed, but I was pretty sure that was what Annabeth was yelling about. 

"I'm so sorry Percy." Hermione began. "Annabeth said something about fatal flaws, and how mine was pride, and-"

I sighed, cutting her off. "Hermione, the thing that I can't understand is why, even after Annabeth fussed at you, you still continued to sneak around. If you want information, maybe you should try gaining our trust first, and THEN we might tell you our secrets."

"I'm sorry, Percy. I'll leave now."

I nodded, and silently watched her leave.

Shaking my head to clear it, I proceeded to my bed, and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. Of course, I had nightmares.

"Percy Jackson" A voice said out of the darkness.

"Your friends are in more danger that you realize. Comply with us, or they die."

The imaged changed to show a dark, torture chamber. Sila was screaming as Orion carved Greek letters into her arm. I couldn't quite make out what they were, but I caught a few letters such as f, o, and b. Thalia was suspended by strings above a bottomless pit.

All of a sudden the ceiling above them rattled. A loud WOOSH sound was emitted from above them.

"Curse those wretched goblins!" A female came out of the darkness.

"Bellatrix!" Orion wailed, his knife slipping in the process. A large gash formed down the front of her arm.

"YOU JUST GAVE AWAY OUR LOCATION YOU STUPID GIRL!" He then proceeded to hit the woman.

I gasped and sat up, sunlight streaming through the window. My first thought: I need to find Annabeth.

I quickly threw some clothes on, brushed my teeth, and ran out the door.

As I left our part of the tower and into the Gryffindor Common Room, I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

This random dude was KISSING Annabeth. MY ANNABETH!

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