Chapter 13: Breaking [very short]

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Few weeks later....

Too much has happened since Matsuda's incident at Yotsuda . Misa, being the stubborn girl she is, met up with one of the 7 members- Higuchi. She got him to confess that he is the Kira and make him stop killing for a couple of days. After hearing this, Ryuzaki and Light thought of a plan to see how he kills and capture him.

Matsuda had to act as if he was going to reveal his identity, which will cause Higuchi to do as any means necessary to kill him. During his car ride, he spoke to himself or maybe a shinigami, but his power somehow changed from knowing and see to just see the people he wanted to kill. Eventually, we caught him and he revealed to us that his "power" comes from a notebook. A notebook that can kill. With that notebook, came Rem- a shinigami.

"A Death Note?", I asked and Ryuzaki nodded holding the book out to me. I took it and before me, a towering white being appeared. My eyes widened and she seems a bit surprised as well

"Rem, meet Moka", Light said and I titled my head

"So I was right..... It was a spirit, of some sort", I whispered and Ryuzaki nodded

"Come, let's work, we have much to discuss", he stated.

Since then Light has been back to his old self, with the secret "hatred for L" look in his eyes. Misa was let go and just like clockwork the killings started again. This was getting frustrating. Though Rem was visible to us, I still felt like there was something that unsettling feeling. Something was still watching us.

"I'll be back right back", Ryuzaki told me and I frowned "just need a moment to think". He walked off without another word

"Does Ryuzaki have a plan?", Matsuda asked me as my eyes followed the slump man upstairs

"Yes, but I don't think anyone will like it", I replied getting up "excuse me". I knew Ryuzaki had a plan, but he hasn't told anyone of us yet. I noticed the 13 Day rule was bothering him, maybe he was going to mame sure it was accurate.

I don't have a good feeling about this.... Maybe it's just the weather effecting me

The thunder roared as it rain violently and lightening struck down from the sky. I paced my room, taking deep breaths, but it didn't help. This feeling wasn't going away.

I have to get to L

Suddenly the light went out and I ran faster

No no no no no!

"Everybody the shinigami-". I felt a pain erupt in my chest and my heart slowed down and I moved down the steps. Tamotsu caught me before I fell and I gasped for air

"Breathe", he whispered holding me and I chocked on my air as my eyes landed on him. Ryuzaki. L.

"N- no", I cried and my body began to shake "no!". All the guys looked at me as I struggled against Tamotsu

"Bunny, calm down!", he called holding me and I screamed, tears running down my face.

He was gone.....

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