Chapter 8: Solitary Confinement

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"Moka?", Tamotsu called through the closed door and I sighed "I know you're awake!". After taking a deep breath, I opened the door

"Good morning Tamotsu", I replied looking down and relief that I remembered to fix my bangs a few minutes ago

"Are you okay?", he asked and I nodded "well come along for breakfast". I followed him into the main room, where the others and Ryu was sitting. I sat and started to eat my cherries flavored scone with tea. Ryu was picking up and inspecting small plastic bags

"Mr. Yagami, if I die in the next few days then your son is Kira", Ryuzaki stated like it was completely normal and I froze. What? In the next few days?!

"What did you just say Ryuzaki?!", Yagami spoke loudly and stood

"Exactly, what are you talking about anyway?", Matsuda asked and I just watched in silence

"If anything happens to me, I've asked Watari to make himself available to you", Ryu commented and Yagami walked up to him

"Ryuzaki, you said he was almost clear and now this", he spoke "honestly, how much do you suspect my son?". Ryu rambled on about he doesn't know what to think and this wasn't looking good for him. I was still stuck on the fact that he knew he was going to die and does nothing about it. After finishing my food, I went back to my room

"I know, you hate the idea of me dying", his voice was less robotic and more sympathetic, I stood facing my door "you knew this case was dangerous and that our lives depended on it. Kira is after me and in the end it's either going to be me or him". Tears were rolling down my face now, I hate that he was right

"I have to go, I'll be back soon", he sighed and I felt his lips kiss the back of my head. My whole body shook as more tears rolled down my face- L you maybe the greatest detective, but you're an absolute idiot when it comes to realizing that someone really likes you...

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day doing work. Tamotsu would come in sometimes, informing me of what's happening. Misa has been taken in by L, with being accused of being the second Kira

"I'll hook it up to my TV", I told him and moments later, Misa appeared on the screen. My eyes widened as she struggled and breathed heavily in his bounds

"Just kill me!", she screamed and I noticed a shadow standing beside her, like that shadow that Light had a few days ago. This one was more vivid, I could only make out the outline of it. It was tall, long arms and kind of hunched over. Misa kept repeating she wanted to be kill, soon she fainted and a piece of hair on her face lifted. The shadow disappeared through the wall

"That-", I mumbled then went looking through my bag, taking out a small blue notebook. I've had this notebook, since I was a child. I would write everything that happened to me, like the day Tamotsu and I was in the garden


"I'll show you how to pick the vegetables, come on", Tamotsu smiled led me to the garden. I was huge and beautiful. Different colored flowers grew on the outline, while in the middle a small lake sat. Little fishes swan around happily.

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